Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yay for me!

No cavities for me at the dentist!  Very grateful!  It feels like years since I had not had to have a follow up appointment to have a cavity filled or root canal done.
What are you grateful for today?


  1. Oh my! I would be grateful too! My nasty German teeth are always betraying me.

    I am grateful for SPRING! The flowers on the trees here are so pretty!

  2. I need to go to the dentist asap!

    I am grateful for... strong coffee!


  3. Happy news to hear you do not to have to have anything done at the dentist...I am grateful for blogging friends who get good news :)

  4. I love going to the dentist :) Probably because I've never had a cavity! I'm grateful for sun and that Friday is 2 days away!

    xo, Megan
    indie flower

  5. Yay for you! I wasn't so lucky as that.
    But I was very lucky my dentist's office had an opening an hour after my cleaning so I could come back, get the cavity fixed and get fitted for a removeable retainer. Which gave me EXACTLY enough time to get my new tires (one of which was desperately needed).
