Thursday, August 30, 2018


Joy is a daily choice. Faith is one too. 
Things are taking longer than I'd like. 
Working on God's timeline is hard. 
I know He's good, and yet I still question. 


  1. Let your faith keep you strong. Sometimes it's very hard to understand His timing. ((hugs))

  2. You can always confess your sins through prayer, but in order for mortal (grave) sins to be forgiven, you must go to Confession (assuming you're Catholic). ... It is also just you and the priest in the confessional, so no one else can hear your confession except the priest and Jesus.

  3. You are right on both counts. Timetables seem arbitrary, don't they. Just hold fast.

  4. God knows the outcome of your life journey. His timing is flawless.
    That is hard to understand and to accept. It is something we can all relate to. I will keep you in my prayers, Regine.

  5. Regine I don't know if you are dealing with a sin issue or not. If you are then just talk to the Lord about it. Just confess to Him. That's all you need to do. God forgives all our sin.
    I know quedtin my faith and wonder what is God teaching me through this trial. In my case, it's chronic pain but whatever I do I want God to be glorified.

  6. I like the idea that faith is a choice. I hadn't thought about it that way before.

  7. Please never question God. He is always there for His children, in good times and bad. The people of the world can be messy, but God is always good.

