Sunday, October 2, 2022


 Sitting up

A blessing

After a hospital stay

I had to have some

Female organs

Taken out

For health reasons

I will not be bearing children

A fate I fought 

For a year

A year that brought

A pain I won’t explain

My health could no longer

Take the pain

And I had to 

Be reassured

My value

Is not tied

To child-bearing

Be kind


  1. A painful and difficult point in life, but long term hopefully the right one.

  2. Rest and heal. As a nurse told me, "in 6 mos. you will feel like you again." You are so much more.

  3. Dearest Regine,
    Have traveled that route and an annex tumor caused me pain and problems so all was taken and since then, now eight years later—no more pain.
    Heal well and be patient!

  4. My sweet friend, Love and Hugs to you and prayers for you to experience Peace and Grace as you heal physically.

  5. I wish you good health. I send you a hug.

  6. ...I hope that you mend quickly.

  7. Speedy recovery in your body and mind. Hugs.

  8. Rest and heal. You are valued for who you are.

  9. Hope you are recovering well. You are valued for who you are, not for anything else. (((HUGS)))

  10. (((hugs))) My heart goes out to you dear friend. You are a precious child of God, and He loves you so much. Praying for your healing, both in your heart and body. You are very dear to all of us.

  11. Your value is infinite and immeasurable, just because you are a daughter of God. I'm so sorry about losing out on the dream of children though. I know how that feels.

  12. Sending prayers for physical and mental healing your way.

  13. I'm sorry Rue. I am sure that was a hard decision. You are right though, your value is in being a child of God and He loves you so!

  14. I'm so sorry to read this. Children are a tough mental thing to deal with. I wish you peace because I know how hard not being able to have them can be. I hope for a quick recovery too.

  15. ((HUGS)) You take care of yourself. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Sorry you had to go through surgery, I hope your recovery goes smoothly and quickly. Hugs and prayers, Donna

  17. Sorry you had so much pain. It is a hard thing to go through making that decision, I have friends that had to do the same thing, just know that you can still have a very rich and rewarding life. May God grant you peace in it all and freedom from pain. HUGS

  18. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, dear friend. I am thinking of you and sending thoughts of comfort and love. I hope you heal quickly. You are much loved in blog land. Please know that. : )


  19. What a hard decision that you have been forced to make Regine - but you are a Queen, and a child of the King, so you will heal both physically and spiritually. You are in my prayers

  20. I'm so sorry you've been in pain and sorry you had to make that decision! I hope you feel better both emotionally and physically! Yes, our worth is not based on our ability to bear children. Take care, Regine!

  21. I am so sorry my friend. I can understand the pain of facing this. Sending prayers of peace, love, and healing as you move forward.

  22. Sorry to hear that, Regina. Take good care of yourself!

  23. No, your value is far beyond that, but I'm sure that was a hard, if necessary, choice and a tough one to take. My hope is that you will one day be able to channel that energy into other children who could learn so very much from you.

  24. Thinking of you and sending peaceful, healing vibes.

  25. Dear friend! Please rest and heal. Hope you are recovering well. Happy October. Greetings.

  26. Sending you so much love as you heal from this experience <3

  27. Sorry to hear about the hard decision you had to make and wishing you a speedy recovery
    Carol x

  28. I am so sorry! My heart breaks for you. Your health matters and you have to do what is best for you. I hope that your recovery goes smoothly.
