Ending it
As I started
That even
As all
My goals
Didn’t get met
I’m alive
To try again
Love yourself and one another.
Ending it
As I started
That even
As all
My goals
Didn’t get met
I’m alive
To try again
Love yourself and one another.
This Christmas Eve
I await
The birth
That would
Render me speechless
In a world
Known for confusion
And noisy messes
Thank you
For loving me
And coming
To Earth
To show us
How it’s done
Thank you
For teaching me
Being quiet
Is more powerful
Than speaking
Cede the reigns
This year
The lesson
Has been
Don’t doubt
My will
It gets done
And yours
To a miserable calamity
For all I want
In the past
Few days
My body’s ability
To properly function
Is the gift
That manages
My physical health
My mental health
Soars and shines
Without one
The other falters
I will preface this. I am not cured. I’m managed. A privilege not to be taken lightly. Thank you Lord. My desire for the privilege of living is to treasure the temple that is my body.
Day of
Rest and reflection
Deep thankfulness
And gratitude
Grant me
The discretion
And diplomacy
To love
Be curious
And humble
And be kind
Radically so
This demonstrates
Who You are
Christians, myself included, I implore you to love, love so well that people start to think the Bible may be a book worth reading, not one meant to judge.
Thank you for all your well wishes. I appreciate it. With disability, you are never cured, just managed. And I’m grateful for that blessing. In the past I would not, but acceptance teaches you something. Something that you didn’t want to be taught. So, I rest with the knowledge, of what a privilege that is. I will say it again. Health is the wealth we seek. Without it, I don’t want to imagine.
Love yourself and one another
Recovering from a procedure. I’m exhausted but grateful. Please treasure your health. I have plenty of thoughts on several things, but right now I’m having to disconnect, and give my body what it needs. To get relief is the best gift. Priceless. The doctor said to me jokingly I might want to rescind my claim of enduring pain the best Christmas gift. I received my Christmas gift early. I will be still for a bit.
Love yourself and one another.
Thank you
Love me
Without motive
I can’t give
You much
All I offer
Is myself
Reality slaps
I fight
The only
I possess
Is being
A child
Of God
Give me wisdom
To not
With fellow man
We haven’t learned
To be civil
Or human
And yet
You call
Me to
I belong
To you
God is working. Yesterday I received some snail mail. Two friends spoke life into me at the right time I’m not going to share exactly what was said, but my soul smiled. Truly smiled. As if they got me. They may never walk in my shoes, but they had true empathy. As I was rereading their words like a true balm, a salve, I heard a song I’d never heard, and I started to grasp life.
In 12 to 13 years here, I’m starting to process some thoughts. I may never be renowned, known, famous or rich. I’ve not gotten the fairy tale yet, because some lessons don’t come easy. Billy Graham once said mountaintops are for views, but fruit is grown in the valley. I’m hoping fruit can be grown in me, so I can bear it.
Maybe my dreams are still that, is that my job right now is to be in uncomfortable places. Growth happens outside of comfort zones. My life was never going to be easy, but a hard slog. When being strong is the only way, you learn to adapt. Silver spoons were never my lot. In the long run, I’m seeing that may be the biggest blessing.
I’m learning to live with the cards dealt my way. Wholly and fully. If it seems likes I’m sad, I’m sorry. I’m learning to live in a reality that isn’t manufactured to fit a crafted story I want the world to believe. If you need to do that, no judgement. Reality isn’t pretty. It just is.
Song of the day. Ben Rector The Richest Man in the World
Love yourself and one another
God is doing retooling in my spirit. I’m chasing my flesh. And I’m in His employ right now. I’m eating crow right now. Everything I sought this year has been put on the back burner. Am I happy about it? No. I’m learning how painful yet productive the valley can be. The fairy tale hasn’t happened yet. I’m reminded He’s still working. He’s eradicating my need for perfection in myself, in others and the trappings of a world I’m not meant to idolize. And yet somehow still struggle against my flesh.
I’m reminded that stuff doesn’t equal happiness. In this season I’m reminded of it daily. My poor soul is learning what it is to be truly rich. A body that is being reworked. A mind under realignment and a soul undergoing reconstruction.
If you’re looking for perfection, you would find it here. A collection of Hermes or Chanel, sorry. Dripping in diamonds. Nope. I’m just a girl begging her Savior to save her from herself. A girl whose plans got dropped faster than a call in the sticks.
Honesty is a pill I’m swallowing now because years of pride have me paying prices higher than those at the pump. Learn from me. I don’t know if you want to join me in the valley.
By grace
In your words
And deeds
As I’m shown
How much
I’m loved
In unexpected ways
I’m covered
By the protection
Even when
I’m oblivious
To your actions
Search my heart
Dig in
Root it
All out
Wash me
Clean me
Leave me
Better than
I was found
Fighting myself
Right now
Lost in
What I want
Knowing that
My wants
Aren’t pure
And pleasing
Free will
Can set free
Or enslave
And right now
My mind
Is chained
To the
Very things
I’m trying
To eradicate
Let me
Not speak
With malice
Or seek attention
For doing good
Or look down
On others
If I don’t agree
I’ve no
Story to tell
No angle
To perpetuate
Find you
Have peace
Is running rampant
On this brain
And tired
Is an understatement
Release me
From my
Own thoughts
Bone chilling cold
Outside my door
My warm heart
That my soul
Is being reframed
By the love
I’ve never
Yet admire
Each day teaches
If willing
To pay attention
And let me
Tell you
I got to enjoy
Until reality
Reminded me
Of its unpleasant aroma
Grateful because
I got to
Experience joy
Savor slivers
And remember
I don’t have billions
In the bank
Or armies
To defend
My honor
Then I step
Look in
The mirror
And say
Who needs
Dollars and
Human praise
When You
Say dear girl
You’re mine
We humans
Need common sense
And much more
Coming back
To you
With more clarity
And repentance daily