Monday, December 16, 2024


 God is doing retooling in my spirit. I’m chasing my flesh. And I’m in His employ right now. I’m eating crow right now.  Everything I sought this year has been put on the back burner.  Am I happy about it?  No.  I’m learning how painful yet productive the valley can be. The fairy tale hasn’t happened yet. I’m reminded He’s still working. He’s eradicating my need for perfection in myself, in others and the trappings of a world I’m not meant to idolize. And yet somehow still struggle against my flesh. 

I’m reminded that stuff doesn’t equal happiness.  In this season I’m reminded of it daily. My poor soul is learning what it is to be truly rich. A body that is being reworked. A mind under realignment and a soul undergoing reconstruction. 

If you’re looking for perfection, you would find it here. A collection of Hermes or Chanel, sorry. Dripping in diamonds. Nope. I’m just a girl begging her Savior to save her from herself. A girl whose plans got dropped faster than a call in the sticks. 

Honesty is a pill I’m swallowing now because years of pride have me paying prices higher than those at the pump. Learn from me. I don’t know if you want to join me in the valley. 


  1. Simple is far better life. We're living the simple life here.

    Have a blessed day and week, Regine. ♥

  2. I think that's a lesson all of us are learning and working on!

  3. I try and live very simple life and at times it can be a challenge. Have a wonderful week.

  4. I can't be easy to be so honest and open. I commend you and send you prayers.

  5. No, stuff doesn't equal happiness, at least not happiness that will last. A simple life is the best life, but we struggle with it, don't we?

  6. Your writing is beautiful and it challenges and rewards us with the struggles we all have. Thank you for sharing these innermost thoughts with us. God's way is always best but sometimes we need to be reminded.

  7. Betsy's comment is written so much better than I can write. Thanks, Betsy, for speaking my heart, too. I'm always feeling better after stopping by here.

  8. Beautifully worded Regina, and from the heart. Thank you!

  9. Thank you so much for this. God bless always.

  10. Thank you for sharing your words and your cry out to Him. Your awareness of what He is doing is inspiring. Sending prayers of peace and love.

  11. I've been in those valleys, but God continued to work on His creation. He definitely is working in your life! Blessings!

  12. I love this! Your use of metaphor is so impactful. Thank you for sharing

  13. I am sorry you are struggling. I have to say the human body (or any kind of body for that matter) is no picnic that is for sure. Being put in these bodies and being on the Earth is the true test. I hope you get a break from it all the trials of the Earth and find a little joy.

    Allie of
