Thursday, May 11, 2023


 Once you finally make a decision such as the one I described yesterday, I don’t know why I thought I’d wake up fully hyped on faith to surrender. Newsflash:  Didn’t happen. I’m praying to surrender every moment, but I didn’t wake up full of optimism. I’m listening, but internally I’m fighting. I don’t want to fight. It’s my default. That’s what I’m calling it. Here’s hoping I can make surrender my default setting. 


  1. Keep it up because the evil one wants to make us feel bad, he wants us to hate God, he wants us to turn our souls over to him. Do not be fooled. I read once that a famous TV evangelist said he wrestled with the devil and God told him to build a bible college. I told my friend at work, the devil set up camp at my house, I can not get him to leave. Just say I cover myself with the blood of Jesus. Tell him flee from me satan because Jesus and HIs precious blood cover my whole life. You are strong and you are smart. We all have bad days. Do the very best that you can. God understands your heart. I will pray for you Rue.

  2. Hope all goes well. Daily maintenance and routine is so difficult. Keep it up and wishing you strength and wellness. Oh and happiness.

  3. Change doesn't happen overnight. Keep trying - and good luck.

  4. Just pray daily. First thing when you wake up each morning. Thank Him for blessing you with another day. Ask Him to be in control of your day and watch over you. You don't have to pray special prayers just speak to Him from your heart. God cares for you very much!
    Bless you dear friend as you follow Him.🙏🏾

  5. Surrendering is hard, but we can never stop trying. :D

  6. Surrender reminds me of peeling an onion - there are layers, and we surrender one layer at a time...
