Thursday, August 29, 2024

A mule and a dog

 Good morning. 

I saw a post on Instagram that asked would you still write if no one ever read your work. When I was younger I would immediately say yes. Now, I’m not so sure. Honesty here. You reading my words here makes me feel loved, hopeful and just so happy. If God asked me to continue without the audience, than the answer might be different. Right now, I’m glad I don’t have to choose. It’s ironic over a decade ago, I didn’t want my work to be available consumption. How times have changed. Never thought I would change. I’m a stubborn mule. 


What you know

That a dog

Can be taught

New tricks

With much prodding


  1. You are right, it is nice when someone reads along, you are not alone.

  2. i would write if no one read it...but i love sharing my stories with others...and i am happy that others read along and hopefully my stories and pictures make them happy!!

  3. If you didn't write, you'd be missed!

  4. It is nice when people read what we write. When I used to write for magazines I felt validated when a magazine would purchase and publish my work. Most times I got rejections. I like what you said about following God's path for you.

  5. So very true! We can write for ourselves but it is so gratifying to be able to safely share and to get feedback. I'm glad you've decided to jump in.

  6. I would still write ... but of course it is lovely to have people read and comment.

    All the best Jan

  7. I enjoy reading what you write! Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  8. What a conundrum you would face if you asked the same question these days, Regine. I am blessed and encouraged by your writing

  9. I write more for me than for anyone else; I used to fill up journals when I was younger. But I'm very glad you share your thoughts with all of us.

  10. I completely understand. My having a Christian blog was completely unexpected. I was a very reluctant recruit to even having a blog. The Lord has a way of easing us into what He wants us to do. I often ask myself what purpose I have in writing a blog. Would I do it again? Would I really have a choice? I think not!

    Hugs and Blessings

  11. This world would be a sadder place without the joy your words bring. Don't stop writing!!!

  12. Interesting to know you think that way. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. You are indeed loved and supported my friend <3

  13. It is great when people acknowledge your work :-D I post my photos and love when people respond, but I'd still do it if no one did. Keep writing no matter what. :-D

  14. I know what you mean. It is nice to have the acknowledgement. I like to create videos as I enjoy the process. But of course with all the hard work it is nice for others to see it. So that being said social media platforms can be a blessing and curse. Being a slave to an ever changing algorithm and to Google's whims is exhausting.

    Allie of

  15. I find solace in writing because it offers me therapeutic benefits. Despite having a small following, I consistently try to share interesting posts for the few individuals who engage with my content. Personally, I value having one or two dedicated followers who actively participate over having hundreds of passive followers.

  16. Your writing inspires me to paint! Thanks.
