Friday, August 30, 2024


 I never thought God would change me. After reading your recent comments, I realized that the change has been so subtle, I’ve not recognized it. I’m kind of glad I didn’t know until now. I would have fought Him. I just didn’t know He was working. And that’s the biggest blessing. I always wonder if I will run out of things to say, it hasn’t happened yet. I’m grateful. I’m grateful He still finds me a viable vessel. 

You gave me the best morale boost telling me I’d be missed if I stopped writing and sharing with you publicly. I used to want to hide. Now, I see that hiding left me to loneliness and despair. I think I continue because the community here affirms my talent, my worth, my humanity. 

There is a lot I don’t know. I just feel I will continue as long as I’m meant to do it. I’m the richest poor person because you love me so well. I never knew people could and would love a person like me. So flawed. A person who needs help daily. And yet through you, He provides. 

What He sees in me I will never know or understand. I love you all. Thank you for being the love of Jesus. It doesn’t matter what you believe. He brings you to me every day. And every day, it’s a blessing I hope to never take for granted. 


  1. The human experience is characterized by imperfection, whether or not we choose to acknowledge it. I'm pleased that the positive statements you seek have allowed you to become more open to future creative endeavors. It's a disservice to humanity to possess a God-given talent and not offer it to the world.

  2. Yes, you sure would be missed. I don't always get to comment but I always read your blog. Take care!

  3. Thank you for your open honesty with us. You give me much to ponder in my own life. You are a blessing to us all.

  4. It's amazing that we are all flawed, yet God loves us.
    I would very much miss you if you weren't here. I appreciate your honesty and the talent God has given you!

  5. Yes, we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. No one out here on earth is perfect or could ever hope to be. But God . . . He is our everlasting supporter and your trust in Him shines through your words even in your honest doubts or worries. Keep shining your light through His, Regine!

  6. Our changes can be so incremental, can't they? And then one day you notice. I love that you are the richest poor person because you are so loved. That makes me smile.

  7. Beautiful words that apply to all of us.

  8. It was only this past week that God revealed to me that he loves us simply because we are made in His image - just as we love a newborn, so helpless and vulnerable, so he sees us and loves us, you included - it was mind blowing to this senior woman!
