Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Sunday fun

Some of my favorite treats

Ginger chews

Gummy bears

Looking forward to the NHL playoffs

And some baseball

Any book or podcast recommendations?

What does your Sunday look like?


  1. I love anything flavored with ginger! I use ginger in cooking all the time, and especially like candied ginger, which is pure ginger with sugar. So I don’t do ginger chews I just eat the plain stuff.
    best, mae at

  2. I hope with the lovely things to look forward too, today is good for you. x

  3. My city just got an NHL franchise; I'm looking forward to seeing a game or two next season. Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. As for my Sunday, it's a mix of relaxation and productivity. I'll be catching up on some reading, going for a leisurely walk, and perhaps trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. It's all about finding that balance between rest and rejuvenation before the start of a new week.

  5. I used to hate Sundays, fortunately it has changed. :)

  6. I like ginger too.
    I just finished a book recommended by a Karen of Life is Good. It's called Garden Spells and I enjoyed it too.
    We had church and Sunday School this morning, came home and had lunch and are now relaxing and reading. A lovely day!

  7. My Sunday is baseball too! Enjoy!

  8. Sunday for me is church with my family and then family dinner surrounded by my children and grands. That's a good Sunday to me. Love snacking on cheese sticks but speaking of Ginger. Oh how I love a good ginger snap cookie! (Especially the thin ones) Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. Yard work, a lot. But I finished a project I was wanting to finish. And then a nice nap. I hope you enjoyed your treats and the games.

  10. ginger chew is my favorite too.... love it

  11. Ginger is also one of my favourites - in any form! Sunday means church in the mornings, and usually crafting in the afternoon

  12. Mine was quieter than usual because Rick was away. But it was relaxing and rather productive with homely tasks and a little British drama on TV at night!
