Friday, May 31, 2024

Three things

 Three things

Starting to work on the project in earnest. If you have a favorite place you haven’t mentioned before. Email me please. 

Grateful for my body. It works/.

Grateful for the mundane things. The coffee brewing. My soul relaxing. Good music. 

Your turn. 


  1. Oh I mailed your postcard by the way.

  2. Gratitude for the small things is so important! And good luck with your project. I'm sorry I haven't thought of anything to send your way yet. But I'm working on it. :D

  3. mandune things are wonderful, things we are not often grateful for!! hot tea this morning, my computer, sunshine and my current knitting project!!

  4. Glad to hear things are going well for you my friend! You deserve all the good things <3

  5. I have so many favorite places... and I'm sure that's mostly due to the great memories I've made on various trips throughout my whole life. I was so lucky to get to travel a lot even as a little kid since my grandparents were HUGE travelers and often took me and my sister along with them.

  6. My three things.... a verdict that made me joyful, a gorgeous afternoon, happy my flat tire happened in the garage and not on the road.

  7. It's good to be grateful for the mundane things for they are really what makes up most of our lives.

  8. Thankful for the beauty outside my window and that I have a good air conditioner working so that I can stay cool inside. However, it did cool down a bit this evening and there was a nice breeze so I enjoyed being outside for little while until the mosquitoes found me! I can't wait to see what your project will be.

  9. Mundane things are the most important, even though they never seem it at the time. Thanks for your words today. And happy start to JUne to you.

  10. Grateful for an unexpected long weekend at a beach house!
