Monday, November 2, 2020

help me

 Where you sit determines

What you see

What you see

Determines what you do

Dr. Dharius Daniels

I heard him preach yesterday

and it changed my perspective 

I'm following my own advice

The best lessons I've received 

Have come from those

I didn't like at first

I would be ashamed

To admit this

But it's the truth

If I truly want change

I'm going to have

To sit and be


With my thoughts

i didn't want to write

This post

God is having

His say

So today

i want to try

and understand

What I'm not seeing

Help me


  1. Pedir ajuda é um ato de coragem!!!
    Boa semana 🙏

  2. Love that quote and how great that you heard him preach yesterday!

  3. I going to listen to Dr. Daniels sermon. I'm glad you decided to write this post. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding what God is saying to me. It's possible God wants you to see the many people out there who need Jesus. That may be people you see out and about, people who read and post comments on your blog your neighbors etc.
    I believe prayer for all these people is important. Even if that's all you do. I noticed you have over 600 followers. You can pray for them. Not necessarily individually but your followers as a whole that they make come to know Jesus as their Saviour. You could pray for those of us who do know Him, that our faith will increase and to not let fear rule us.
    I hope that is what you were asking. Have a blessed day!

  4. I might add, you might want to pray for the many scammers that post here too.

    1. I hit publish before I finished my comment. I was going to say that pray that they get caught and they will turn from their wicked ways. The "loan" ones are especially sickening.

  5. Desde estas instancias pánicas, debemos entender que el mundo cambió, y enfrentarlo desde esos cambios. Un abrazo. Carlos

  6. I have not heard of him. Many prayers for strength, faith and all those little things inbetween. Keep writing!

  7. perspective is important. It's important to try to understand that of others, isn't it :)

  8. Placing your thoughts on a table for all to digest is a hard thing to do. Sharing is a virture, thank you!

  9. Good luck. I do hope that by sitting with your discomfort you are able to grow and to thrive.

  10. "Where you sit determines what you see, what you see
    determines what you do" I LOVE THIS....

  11. This is so powerful Regine. It is harder to listen to those we don't agree with, yet how else do we grow? I say it easily, but it's hard to practice.

  12. O livre - arbítrio leva - nos por caminhos destintos!
    Que a clareza ilumine o seu caminhar!
    Um abracinho de luz!Boa noite querida Cidália!
    Um florido abracinho!💜🌺💜
    Megy Maia🌈

  13. i'm happy you have been is important to see the good in everyone!!

  14. I think we are in this life to help others, and others to help us. Sometimes help comes from the most unlikely places and faces. And sometimes I think it's not our choice. : )


  15. Always wonderful words here about life. ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka(A Creative Harbor)

  16. These are very interesting words.

  17. Yes! This is so true! I'm learning a lot this year too. Trying to see things from a different perspective and listen - really listen - to different views.

  18. Very thought provoking. I agree. Sometimes we have to take a good hard look into our own minds, even if the truth in there is ugly. It's how we learn and grow for the better though. Hugs to you!

  19. Yes, how often we resist the 'hard' lessons we need to learn to be conformed to Christ's image, Regine. Be encouraged, God never askes more of us than He knows we can give, but sometimes after we settle, He will ask for more...
    Stay safe

  20. I think we have to be able to understand other perspectives or at least know them before we can truly understand what our own are. Everything isn’t black and white.

  21. Sometimes we have to be frank and truthful about ourselves and have the courage to make a change for the better.

  22. Excellent advice! I have found that just by moving from my "usual" seat in the house to another seat I get a different perspective on how my house looks and what the view is from there, and it always surprises me to see the beauty from a new place. So it is with life. We need to learn to look at our lives with a different perspective, through God's lens, and we may see things that we never saw before and perhaps God can help us to either fix or appreciate what we see. Praying that God will also help you with this new "perspective". Have a blessed day.

  23. Amen for so much self awareness and honesty! We all need to take stock of ourselves from time to time. Blessings!

  24. I had not heard of him. It sounds like a powerful idea and your words are deep and thoughtful.

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