Saturday, September 9, 2023


 This morning as I was scrolling Instagram, I found a post that warmed my heart. Sarah at Meet The Shaneyfelts announced an unexpected and miraculous pregnancy after adopting two beautiful boys. Even though children are not in my future, they are big blessings. Could you cover Sarah in your prayers for a smooth pregnancy. Stop by her blog or Instagram and encourage her. Love on her. God, You are good. So, so good. Lord, bless Sarah, her womb, her family. Show her Your goodness. 

Love yourself and each other


  1. That's such a heartwarming story! It's incredible to hear about unexpected and miraculous pregnancies, especially after adopting. I'll definitely keep Sarah in my prayers for a smooth pregnancy and send her some love and encouragement. It's important to support and uplift each other. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder to love ourselves and one another.

  2. Thank you Regine! I will definitely cover her in prayer and I will stop by her blog and IG pages. I love hearing miraculous stories like this.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  3. All good wishes for Sarah. That's lovely!

  4. Many prayers for you and for Sarah. Thanks for the great story.

  5. What wonderful news for Sarah. And thank you for the news.

  6. such beautiful news!! i will keep her in my thoughts!!

  7. That is amazing! How wonderful for her and her family!

  8. Children are a blessing! Sending prayers for Sarah and her family. Suzanne@Chick with Books

  9. Congrats to Sarah;)
    YOU take special care.

  10. That is such marvelous news for Sarah and her family! Many blessings to them!

  11. That is wonderful news -I think once the stress is taken away Nature works it's magic.My Son and DIL tried for a few years then were accepted for IVF but before it began she found she was pregnant
    Carol x

  12. wishing her all the best I have heard of this happening all the time after someone adopts.

  13. I'm blessed with two cats. :) Have a meaningful Septemeber 11th!

  14. That's a special story, thank you for sharing it. And I just said a prayer for Sarah and the baby.


  15. Great news, Thanks for sharing. Prayers for Sarah and family.
