Tuesday, September 5, 2023


 Those worship songs

As a teen

Are speaking

To me now

More at forty

And it is 

Shocking me

To my core

Speak life

Into people

They don’t forget

Even if you do


  1. What Carol L. said.

    Have a blessed day, Regine. ♥

  2. Beautiful words.
    Songs can really inspire us.
    We can inspire one another too.

  3. I believe we go through seasons in life where things we didn't fully understand or appreciate earlier now become very meaningful. It's like learning Scripture as a child...when we are old they come back to us to guide and comfort us and teach us the way to live. Have a blessed rest of your week.

  4. God says his word never returns void. It can pop up and work in us years later!

  5. I enjoy the hymns and songs of worship more now than years ago also, there is history of relationship and faithfulness of His part beyond all understanding that resonates deeply and surprises us! You are a treasure to Him and so many others sweet lady! PS After your last comment on my blog, I'm thinking I know what you want for Christmas this year (LOL).

  6. Sometimes I miss the old hymns they used to sing at my church. They were the traditional hymns, and so beautiful.

    Have a good rest of the week, Regine.

