Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Spoiler alert

 Let me say this:  it’s past time. I’m coming up for air, finally. One commenter said yesterday after my post that I’m very blessed. I wasn’t very pleased with the post when I hit publish. Five little verses or however many spoke to so many. What I thought was lackluster turned into one of the most loved by so many. It taught me a lesson. God turns our lemons into lemonade when we least expect it. It taught me that eloquence and big words are not what He’s after. He wants my heart. The broken vessel. The authentic self. He makes a poor soul very rich. I’m not talking about my bank account. Yesterday, I felt very useful to society even if that’s not to be my aim.  I’m very blessed in that God finds me still to a precious commodity worthy of being used for His glory. It’s the biggest honor. A few weeks ago I hit bottom. It wasn’t comfortable. He had to get my attention. He has it now. Being brought to your knees will do it every time. I realize my stubborn self will be brought to my knees as many times as He sees fit. When I am it is so I can look up. It is to remind me who is in charge. Spoiler alert:  It’s not me


  1. It's a wonderful feeling, feeling useful to society. I love this -- humble and honest.

  2. Love this, darling. Thanks for checking in. Was the first thing I saw this morning and it made me smile, despite a major setback in rebuilding my fitness "empire"... you are a shining light!!!


  3. Being and feeling useful is a good thing.

    Have a fabulous day, Regine. ♥

  4. Isn't it wonderful when he speaks to us through others, lifts us up when we are at our low, you are his and that only makes you worthy and special!

  5. Sometimes others see our blessings better than we do. We are often caught up in our little forest so that we can't see the trees, and it takes someone with a higher perspective to come out from the midst of the woods to actually see the trees that make the forest so lovely. I know I feel this way sometimes. I don't realize how blessed I am until I see it through someone else's eyes. I often pray to ask God to help me see things the way He sees it, so then I can get the bigger picture and better understand it all. Sometimes we just have to believe it even when we can't see it . (((hugs)))

  6. My blessing is how you inspire. It may not be intentional but it sure works. I'm smiling.

  7. We are all useful but sometimes we don't feel that way. In those times we need a little help and it's wonderful when we get it.

  8. Lemons into lemonade is such a good lesson! Thank you for sharing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. Yes we are all so very blessed and more than we deserve. Praying a heap of blessings over you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  10. So true -- when we come to the end of ourselves, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. May God bless you and continue to use you for His glory,

  11. We can only do all things when our strength comes from God. He is the end all and be all in our lives, Regine.

  12. You have an amazing gift in your writing abilities which inspires others.

  13. Well, you always touch many a heart in our blogging world.

  14. So often God uses us 'in spite of ourselves', and what an encouragement to others, and us, when He does. He surely is The One in control, no matter how much we would (intermittently) like to think we have a modicum of control.
