Thursday, July 20, 2023

PT chronicles

 PT chronicles

Let me says rehabbing a knee is agonizing. Yesterday in the span of forty five minutes I wanted to lace expletives, clench teeth and collapse in my own sweat. I had to be reminded to breathe and rest. The burn didn’t feel too good. My physical therapist took a look at my face, and couldn’t help but chuckle. She knew I could do hard things. I’m realizing that as well. I feel like a rubber band this morning. I see that I need challenges. I don’t rise without it. If I’m bored, I get complacent. Sounds like my spiritual life. God is using PT to fully trust and seek Him. I’m realizing that my body is weaker than I’d like to admit. I realize that the therapists see that I need the time under tension, the duress to feel a sense of accomplishment. I need to see results even if they’re not measurable. I don’t know if I could measure my spirit, but with His name on my lips, it is enough. 

Love one another and self


  1. I like how you said God is using PT to strengthen you. It sounds grueling and I am praying the PT has a good result. Hugs to you from California.

  2. I've done PT in the past, and it really helped me improve my strength. Hang in there even when it hurts!

  3. Maybe your best post! God bless your trials!

  4. I'd be upset with this person. What if you end up having to get a knew replacement after all your hard work. Be careful.

  5. My therapist likes it when my legs start to wobble - he says he knows that I am challenging myself. And it is a challenge.

  6. You can do this. You are strong. You are amazing.

    Hugs and blessings, R

  7. I love that your therapist knows you so well!

  8. I'm sorry you're experiencing such agony! Body pain is never fun. I like your attitude, though. Challenges definitely help us grow as people (even if we don't want to)!

  9. 'but with His name on my lips, it is enough.' So very true of wherever we find ourselves.

  10. It is amazing the strength he gives us when we need to get something done, that is for sure, I know my knee has been better since going back to my PT, may he give you the strength and the drive to keep going!

  11. PT can be challenging but you will come out of the other side better for it. Take this from someone who has gone a number of times. I'm very grateful for how PT has fixed me. You got this Regine <3

  12. Sending love and prayers. Rehab can be tough. You can do it . Take care
