Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 This is not my typical post. I have a follow up to see how I’m adjusting to the “liquid gold”. I was thinking.  The doctors who care for people like me have a heart. Caring for me is not profitable. It’s a calling. A calling I’m grateful for. In my medical journey, God has always provided. It leaves me in tears. As much as I doubt, I know He is there. I just get frustrated with how He works. I want things, and He says not yet. 

God uses me

Even when 

I wonder why

This is my gratefulness

That I’m deemed worthy

to be loved

In spite 

Of myself


  1. Praying that your follow up goes well my friend. I am in a waiting period as well. His plans not ours. XO

  2. Good luck. We have to be grateful for caring doctors

  3. A good doctor is such a blessing! I hope your follow up goes well.

  4. What Mari said. Sending you good vibes and hugs.

    Have a fabulous day, Regine. ♥

  5. Our medical people never cease to amaze me with both their skill and their kindness.

  6. One thing you need to be certain of, despite your doubts, is that God loves you and cares for you because He created you.

    He sometimes allows some things to happen and to continue, despite our prayers. We do not know why nor understand it. Yet you, my friend, are an example to many by the way you hold on to your Faith despite your many difficulties. You'll probably never know this, but perhaps through your example, someone somewhere may turn to God and try to learn more about Him. You would have been a channel to that person's conversion.

    Praying for you. God bless.

  7. Good luck, hope it all goes well xx

  8. He certainly does love us in spite of ourselves. He's got this!

  9. Praying that your follow up goes well.

    All the best Jan

  10. I love what Victor said above, and agree with him totally. Waiting on God is never easy, but He doesn't leave us without comfort and hope. Praying for you in this process you are going through. God is with you.

  11. Praying your follow up goes well, Regine. It is hard in the waiting but that is when our faith grows the most, when we are stretched. Have a great week!

  12. I pray the follow-up goes well and you're responding well to the treatment. God cherishes you! And He will always provide what you need.

  13. Amen - God's love never fails, even when we think we do

  14. Holding in prayer and cherishing the beauty of you.

    Hugs and Blessings

  15. Gosh, this applies to so many aspects of life. Things we all need to keep in mind.
