Friday, January 19, 2024


 What are you reading?

Favorite quote?

Favorite beauty product?

Thing that made you smile?


  1. What are you reading? "My Name is Barbra" by Barbra Streisand
    Favorite quote? "Scatter joy." (Emerson)
    Favorite beauty product? I don't have a favorite.
    Thing that made you smile? Dinner with good friends.

  2. Life In The Fasting Lane by Dr. Jason Fung
    “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” ~ Buddha
    Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream
    The snow this week :D
    Have a marvelous weekend my beautiful friend <3

  3. A Course In Miracles -
    "Be Here Now"
    Coconut Oil
    Nature, Music, the amazing amount of beautiful videos I find on Instagram and elsewhere. My family. and the feral cats that come every day to eat. The squirrels and birds I feed.

  4. Reading: The Fake Mate
    Quote: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." --Samuel Butler
    Beauty product: Wunderbrow
    Thing that made you smile: One of my 4th graders showed me how he could make his ears squeak yesterday, and it totally made me laugh. :D

  5. *not reading anything lately.
    *so many to choose from, a whole journal filled.
    *oil of olay
    *pictures of the grandkids. ; )

    Thanks for asking, Regine.

  6. Reading: The Divine Proverb of Streusel. Thing that made me smile: My son going out to measure how much snow we had, and his wide smile just being out in the snow for a few minutes.

  7. I'm reading 36 View of Mount Fuji, a book about an American woman teaching college in Japan. And i'm watching a hockey game, and my team just scored a goal-hurrah!

  8. What are you reading? Demon Copperhead - really the ML has a great voice and has lived through a lot of bad times, yet he makes the most of it. Kind of a retelling of David Copperfield or so I've been told.

    Favorite quote? Don't let the hard days win.

    Favorite beauty product? Apricot oil for those fine lines you face.

    Thing that made you smile? Hearing from people you haven't heard from since last summer.
