Monday, January 29, 2024



I come to you today because I need help that can only come from you. I would love to rejoice with others, as I wait for what you have for me. The fact is I’m not. I’m ashamed of it. I’m not surprised you are using something I never thought I’d admit to strengthen me. You knew I’d admit my sin eventually. You’re not surprised by my sin. You knew where I would struggle. You use sin. You use shame. You use it all to make me the child that lacks nothing. I don’t know what I’m to learn from this, but I trust You know. 


Do what you do

Even if I’m clueless

As to 

What that is


  1. Continue to put your trust in the Lord, and He will direct your steps...

  2. I second what Pamela says here. It's the way to safe paths. Blessings!

  3. You are on the right path. Be still and know. When you are there, listen for that still quiet voice. Peace will be there.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  4. I am never sure of quite what the Lord is doing when shaping me - what corners are being rubbed off or what is being strengthened. All I know is that when He is finished I will be more Christlike.
