Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 Today’s post is a lesson. It never ceases to amaze me how He uses you dear friends to minister to me, and teach me at the same time. One of you lovely souls emailed me to say I would receive something in the mail yesterday. And I took that statement to be truth. I took it to the bank, and cashed it, before I received it. I did receive it yesterday, and this person made my day, my week. 

All this to say, what if I took God’s Word, His promises to the bank and cashed them before I received it. He delivers. He does it when He wants, not mine. What this friend taught me yesterday was something I don’t want to forget. 

People can be good. Decent. Better than expected. 

I’m always surprised by how much I’m loved. Maybe I shouldn’t be. 

Loving myself is hard, but a worthwhile pursuit. 

Crying tears of gratitude not of sadness is a wonderful change. 

There will be hard days ahead. I was reminded that I’m braver than I think. As much as I loved the gift, the card was the star. 

To the one that sent me this precious reminder. Thank you. You know who you are, and I’m grateful for who You are, and the love you poured into a vessel in need of it. 

Love yourself and one another


  1. What a beautiful post, Regine. You made me smile.

    Have a blessed day. ♥

  2. I do believe, even in these horrific times, that people are more good than evil. What a kind and thoughtful gesture!

  3. Wonderful words to trust God always. I'm glad you got a little goody in the mail. Those are the best surprises of all. Have a blessed October week, friend.


  4. What a beautiful way to make your day a happy one filled with love and kindness.

  5. I'm so glad someone listened to God's prompting and sent you something. He uses us, we just have to listen!

  6. Lessons are many in our daily walk. They come in unexpected ways from unexpected sources. It is a praise the Lord moment for me to hear of your gift. You deserve it in many ways. Mat His gifts to you be many all of your days.

    Hugs and Blessings

  7. So pleased to hear you were blessed Regine - and thank you for the lessons that you have shared
    Blessings and love

  8. Such a great mantra to remember. Thanks so much for your post! Stay strong! Stay the beautiful you in all things.

    Ivy's Closet

  9. I have sometimes been so amazed and joyful at the thoughtfulness from a friend. I look back to those times and I am joyful all over again for the blessings that came from it. For the giver and me, the one who gratefully received. Me.

  10. Friends are definitely a blessing from above.
