Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sunday prayer


These letters continue. And they continue because I’m a human wholly in need of You. I need You to be at the center of who I am. I don’t like who I am without You. I’m a selfish and impatient sort who wants what others have. With You, You remind me that I am not what I feel. You remind me to trust You even if I don’t understand why. You remind me not to ask why. Why leads to a resentment I can’t carry. These past few days have been exhausting. My body has needed rest. It demanded it. Physically I have resisted rest. Mentally, I’ve done the same. God stepped in once again. For the first time, the whole of me let rest call the shots. The best decision ever. 

Pray that

I may trust


To be

The anchor

That holds

My feet

Firmly rooted


So I can bloom

When ready

Pray for me. Trying to rid myself of worldly desires is harder than I thought. Thank you


  1. You have my prayers and sincere best wishes this week Regine! :D

  2. I believe that's a life long prayer for all of us!

  3. Beautifully written words. Happy October. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. We are all frail human beings with earthly desires. Only God can turn our focus to Him instead. Blessings!

  5. I enjoyed all the responses here written by Christian women. And I was so glad to read your blog again.

  6. ...I wish you a fabulous week, be well.

  7. Difficult times are the best of times. They are where we learn to trust in God, to let go and let Him. It is where the beauty within comes through. God Bless and keep you safe.

    Hugs and Blessings

  8. It is sometimes hard not to ask why we are going through what we are, I am dealing with a few physical problems and I ask why but in the end know that God wants only the best for me and is by my side throughout it all, praying he brings comfort and strength to you in the days ahead!

  9. I pray you find the rest and the answers you seek. Amen.

  10. Regime there is an hymn called My Anchor Holds that you can find on YouTube. It's a beautiful song that helps me to remember nor matter how bad things get in my life Jesus is my Anchor and He will be their for me.

  11. You are not alone. We often ask, "why?" at certain times in our lives. But we have to trust that all things out.
    ~Romans 8:28

    Have a blessed week, dear Regine.


  12. We are never alone especially when we believe and read the Bible ( by the way you comment on my reply why? not on my comment ?)

  13. Beautifully said. Sending prayers your way, I could use a prayer this week please.

  14. Amen

    Have a nice week ahead. Stay well.

  15. This is lovely. I'll send up a prayer for you.
