Friday, October 20, 2023

Peace, find me

I haven’t done this in awhile, but here it goes. Some people I know need prayer in the deepest way possible. It’s not my place to say the reason, but I can say that if CP is my only diagnosis. I’m lucky. Blessed. Whatever you want to call. That’s not to say, I’ve not been reminded of my own frailty. My muscles have been worked into oblivion, but I’m grateful. Grateful for a family that loves me beyond their own lives. I have more appointments in the next few weeks, but again, grateful. 


Love yourself


To see 

Your worth

Love others


To see

Theirs too

Please pray for me, my request, or how you feel led. If you pray for me, please pray that I am patient in affliction. Pray that I love myself as God does. Pray that I don’t compare myself to others. That I don’t fall prey to the trappings of this world. Contentment despite my circumstances. 

Peace be with you 


  1. I think we have similar outlooks at our medical issues, Regine. They are with us daily, they are challenges, some times are far worse than others. Yet in the big picture, we really have much for which to be grateful and we continue on. And of course you have continued and ongoing prayers.

  2. I will definitely be praying for you and your unspoken prayer request. That's what we sisters in Christ are for.🙏🏾❤

  3. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Stay strong. hugs-Erika

  4. You have my prayers and my best wishes and hugs, too!

  5. You are in my prayers, Regine; I think we all need to pray for the things you are praying for! May you be well, peaceful, and happy.

  6. IT seems like everything is heavy right now! Sending up prayers for you, Regine. BTW, please stop back by my blog and drop your address. I really want to get that book out to you. Not sure why I didn't get the emails.

  7. Wishing you peace and comfort in these challenging and difficult times. Alana

  8. You are in my thoughts. Prayers for peace for you.

  9. It is so hard to see those we love struggle with different things in this life, whether it be physical issues or the ones that cause a lot of mental stress and anxiety, and you are such an amazing person to request prayer for them here. Just as you said, it isn't for you to mention what exactly it is they need prayer for, but what is wonderful is that we serve a God who knows all and He knows exactly what they need. I will be praying for your requests and for you, my friend, I can only imagine the struggles you face with CP and I love that you are so uplifting here in this space. Sending you so much love and prayers friend and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Make Life Marvelous

  10. I will pray for you my friend. It's so good that you rely on God to get you through your trials. I need to also be patient with His plans so I feel you. Sending peace and love your way.

  11. Here with you. Blessings and hugs.

  12. When we are in the deep mind set of how hard we have it, sometimes it is very hard to pull ourselves out until we look on others that have it worse than us and are cheerful and thankful to God for all they have. I pray God lifts you up and let's you feel the love he has for you today and every day to come!

  13. Praying with you and for you. You are amazing, if you ask me! I love how God gives you words to write that speak to each of us in our own issues and frailties of life. Thank you for being faithful in the midst of it all.

  14. Prayers for you, dear friend. We will never love ourselves as much as God loves us. There are no words to describe His love. I hope all your appts. go well in the weeks ahead.

    love you,

  15. May you know the fullness of God's love for you Regine.

  16. Happy Sunday, darling!
    Peace be with you, too :)

