Tuesday, August 8, 2023


 Let me say when you hear the word lifestyle change, you balk, but let me say I’m trying not to do it. As I get older my body is telling me to listen. My left knee just made the decision easier. So, my friends, I have some questions. 

What is the one piece of advice you wish you’d learned sooner?

What are your favorite healthy meals or salads?

How dd you create your own joy or practice gratitude?

Looking forward to your answers. 

Love yourself and one another


  1. i wish i learned sooner to go with it. to accept the changes my body was going through and not think i knew better how to treat myself.

    my favorite healthy meals are cold salads, green salads and pasta salads.

    i create my own joy by doing the things i enjoy and making sure i do something every day that makes me happy. i knit, so often it is just knitting a few rows in the evening while watching a happy movie.

  2. I practice a gratitude attitude every single day. We have so much, even in our struggles, to be thankful for!

  3. Wow! Good questions.
    Swimming! (in response to your knee...) may be if there is a pool nearby?!
    Salads, lately with flaxseed oil, mayonnaise, and plum paste (though that is something not sure if they have it where you are? Its called UME in Japan, healthy for digestion!)
    Psalms of thanks!
    Yes , love one another.
    God bless you!

  4. 1. Get my degree earlier in life. It would have opened many doors sooner.

    2. We eat pretty healthy for the most part. I don't really have a favorite meal.

    3. So many things bring me joy. Waking up each morning, a wonderful home, my husband, enough food to eat. The list is so long.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Regine. ♥

  5. I've enjoyed growing my own lettuce this summer and mixing it with berries and nuts. Very yummy. :D

  6. *well, I think all the things we go through in life are meant for a reason, and sometimes the awful ones will bring lessons and goodness to us in the end.

    *Probably broccoli, I have it every week.

    *I've mentioned before that The Rosary brings me peace, but also nature, and just getting out and doing a little shopping and bringing home some goodies makes me happy. I also believe that grateful people are the happiest people, so I will be grateful for big and small things.

    And thank you for reminding me to do that. ; )


  7. Not to worry so much about what other people think!
    I love making a huge salad with all different veggies and adding some protein, something crunchy and a yummy dressing.
    Yoga and reading

  8. I try to focus on doing what is in my control and avoid comparing with others, that really can be the thief of joy.

  9. I believe we go after what we want, ask and you shall receive but it is not when you want but when you are ready. Practice gratitude every morning things will get easier if you do so because you become aware of the good things around you. Much love.


  10. Usually, it's trial and error for me. And sometimes I forget, but I try my best to keep trying. Sometimes, it is so hard not to be angry about somethings, but it's best if you can find the joy. And remember those close to you.

    Sometimes, you have to let yourself have a treat. And then there is making sure to drink enough water and making your own meals are best or being with someone who makes those homemade meals. Not all of us are the best cooks, including me. This is why I have to have an electric kettle. I have burned a few tea kettles on the stove, because..well, I like to start on projects and I forget what I was supposed to be doing.

    Here's to good reads, conversations, writing and the joy of being home with those you love.

  11. What is the one piece of advice you wish you’d learned sooner? Forgive.

    What are your favorite healthy meals or salads? Plain Greek yogurt with blueberries.

    How dd you create your own joy or practice gratitude? Seek the Lord. Be thankful for the little things. They are the big things afterall.

  12. What is the one piece of advice you wish you’d learned sooner? Get a formal education.

    What are your favorite healthy meals or salads? Rice & grilled veggie bowls.

    How do you create your own joy or practice gratitude? Prayer

  13. All interesting questions! The universe is working for you not against you. Everything happens for a reason, we just don't know what that reason is, and to keep having faith. Find joy in the little things, not big milestones. I practice daily gratitude in the shower each morning, what am I grateful for that happened the day before or just in life generally, there is always so much to be grateful for.
    I take Glucosamine for my knees, and I have just started to take Turmeric supplements, I am already feeling a difference! xx

  14. I wish I had given up sugar earlier knowing what I know now. It's a terrible addiction that was so hard on my body.

  15. I've learned to pray to Him first before relying on myself to deal with tough times. My prayer time and art journaling time always bring me joy.

  16. I wish I hadn't spent so much money on stuff that now just takes up space. :)

  17. I wish I had learnt to love and respect myself sooner.
    A lettuce (or spinach) salad with some seeds, feta cheese, tomato (in season) and anything else I want to add, with a wee drizzle of a balsamic dressing
    Each night I write down three things I am grateful for in my diary. I have learnt not to look for the negative in life
