Thursday, August 10, 2023


 Thoughts today

I can’t force what I want. I’m being given what I need. What I need is still a mystery to me. I’m having to dig deep. My inner strength is being tested beyond what I ever imagined. I feel like I’m in a grocery store of life reading labels to see what is best for me. God is demanding critical thinking or common sense. Is this cookie going to help you in the long run. It tastes good now, but not even an hour later, your stomach will revolt. Sugar feels good for a moment, then sours. Salt preserves and stands the test of time. I’m to treat my body like salt and light to persevere through the unexpected storms of life. I don’t know if this is the new era of not fighting the inevitable.  Maybe it’s just not being so darn hardheaded. Stubbornness is not a great trait at times. 

Are you trying to be less stubborn or is it just a solo journey?


  1. You are not alone in your journey! I struggle with stubbornness and needing more patience and faith in my life, too.

  2. ...I always thought that I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof, those days are over,

  3. I'm just going with it, I have no choice. It's what He needs me to go through, to learn a lesson?
    Take care my Dear.

  4. I think we also struggle with being stubborn when it comes to certain things. May you find the strength to get you through this.

  5. Far from solo, my friend. Stubborn is hard wired into my family, and it's a case of constant prayer to look for it and root it out.

  6. Stubbornness is something I have to fight all the time. I come by it honestly from my parents' genes, but it isn't always a good trait to have. Sometimes we need to be stubborn about what is right for us, but we also need to learn flexibility and a willingness to meet people half way sometimes. I know I can't always have it MY way!! Good thoughts for today...

  7. It's something I fight too! Unfortunately, sometimes I'm not fighting hard enough.

  8. Being less stubborn is a battle that a lot of us fight, frequently. Learning to hear and obey God can also be a battle between our will and His Will, which is always the better way if we will but submit...
