Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

It's a New Year.  This year has taught me many a thing, and I have learned how to truly trust without questioning.  I have learned that while life is not fair, it can be rewarding.  My only hope for 2015, is to continue to follow God, and be happy, no joyful doing such.
It is a privilege to follow You!
God Bless,

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

trusting God

i just have to trust God, in spite of myself.  You are everything!

Monday, December 29, 2014

What Jesus can do

I really don't like looking back, but 2014 was one that brought real life to my doorstep.  It's amazing how two white looking athletic booties, ie braces can bring you to your knees.  I'm starting to see what grace and gratitude are.  It's that A word, we're getting acquainted.  Has life kicked my ass, yes!  I'm starting to love me, and it's quite a foreign concept to me.  I have no more patience for asking why this, why that.  I just need to be.  Cerebral Palsy, will not be the death of me, it may just be what gives me life.
Thank you Jesus for Cerebral Palsy, for it makes me the woman I am.
God Bless,

so reflective

In this Christmas season, I received a present:  hope and joy.  As I type this I am recalling times and situations when I received such.  I like seeing the stuff people got this year, I really do, but when i think on the gifts I've received, it's the moments like these that get me the most.

Shopping with my sister
Having wine and a good dessert overlooking Charleston
It's having your nephew scream Gigi, him grabbing my hand
It's the unexpected gifts and phone calls from family.
Christmas joy,

Christmas happiness

Still tired from all the Christmas and holiday fun!
God Bless,

Monday, December 22, 2014

finding good

Folks, this season I've been a GRINCH.  i have let the world and others make me happy or not, and frankly, if the world determines my happiness, I'm in trouble.  God, in this season of your birth, I want to be like you in that you came to serve, not the other.
Help me to see life as a gift, people as a instrument to help me and not hamper or cause me pain.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

looking back

it has come to me of how blessed I am.  I was told yesterday that "Jesus must love me"  It is a privilege, one that I hope I never take for granted.  It's an tear-bringing thought to think that someone must think that Jesus must love me.
just as He loves me, He loves YOU!
John 3:16

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014


I went back to church this Sunday.  I can only say a friend was a start in getting me there.  Every time I came up with an excuse, my heart would keep saying yes.
The message has stayed with me, and I have a joy that makes me cry a tear that is ok to be there.
God is good.
God Bless,

So joyous

So blessed!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

have some Christmas memories?

Christmas time memories?

I am weary, I am human

Folks, as the title suggests I'm exhausted.  I need the love of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit to surround me.
God be with you and me.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 are you?


Some days I wonder why You chose me!  You give me all to me when I need what it is to give me.
Can't think!
Just blessed!

Friday, December 5, 2014

weekend plans?

Weekend plans?


Emotional today!  Lord, I need every part of you to be with me today.  Trying to meditate on who You are.  I don't understand much, but I am so happy to know you love me.
I am grateful.  This flawed human being is in awe that you can love me like You do.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

I'm home

I've just come home from a trip!
God never ceases to work miracles