Goals for the New Year
Not fear mistakes
Not beat myself up for them
Enjoy the moment
What are yours?
Goals for the New Year
Not fear mistakes
Not beat myself up for them
Enjoy the moment
What are yours?
As the year closes out
I remember
These things
Are deceiving
And reality
May be better
Than you think
May the new year
Bring new perspective
And a spring
In step
This holiday has been an eye opening experience. I’ve had to be fully present to be in the Presence. I’ve savored silence so I can relish in the noise. There is a gratitude for so much, I can explain. And much that I cannot. I still have concerns, but I’m slowly releasing my need for an answer. Much of life I can’t formulate a response. That’s why I have to turn to the Greatest mystery yet the certain truth of life. I’ve never fully appreciated what a gift it is, to express emotions in this way. The written word. Every time I type, I get giddy anticipating your response. Thank you for being here for me and with me. I’m beyond grateful. Thank you.
For my joy
Is yours
When my
Heart transforms
And mind resets
The soul reframes
The world brightens
As He reclaims
With a cry
And the weary
For the first time
Or so it seems
I want to wish you all the very best of the season. Where hope exists. It reigns supreme. For me, the hope comes from a Savior who sought me before I had a name. Whatever you believe, may joy abound, peace be yours, and love edified. Every day you give me the best gift. Your presence. It means the world. There are no adequate words for the humbling love you provide. This Christmas, I’m grateful. Thank you. You are therapy for the mind, heart and soul. Merry Christmas from my corner of the world to yours. Where are you joining me from? Love, Regine
Christ in me
Christ within me
I’m not daunted
By what
I can not see
The manger
Couldn’t know
The significance
Of a babe
That epitomizes
Masked in
I’ve finally come to the realization that with a disability I will have to hide my pride. Go to every doctor’s appointment, ask for help and realize that no question is ever stupid. My life requires continual maintenance. I just need to praise Him for having access. I’m tired of the fear. I’m having to lay every anxiety to the side. I’m worthy. I’ve fought for everything and everyone. I need to fight for me. The world tells me I don’t deserve it, but He says I do. God, I claim good health, and abundant joy. I claim it. I will prosper and not fail. Claim it too.
What is bringing you joy?
What are you making?
What are you baking?
What can I pray for?
What is making you smile right now?
I have several unspoken prayer requests. Would you pray?
Who are you grateful for?
What are you grateful for?
The place that made you grateful?
Change within self
It’s been more than a decade since I stepped foot in Assisi, Italy. I remember it like it was yesterday. Gingerly walking in that church filled with incense and organs, I was transported into a holy experience. The tears welled up. It was a culmination of a dream that became real. A God who made the impossible, possible. The joy of the Lord is when you appreciate the journey as much or more than the destination.
Gratitude is the awareness that even when I can’t see the road ahead, I trust the path. Gratitude is a warm hug you haven’t had in years. Gratitude is having hummus with celery. Gratitude is treating the mundane as an extraordinary gift. Share yours.
Just a thought. For the rest of the month I will practice gratitude. It will be active, not passive. I am sore today, but I will relish that. To be able to do one hour of physical activity is amazing. To be able to go into downward dog is even more fulfilling. Is it perfect? No. Did I just order some occupational therapy aids just now. Yes. The gratitude is two-fold. One the strength and flexibility to do it. The second is the strength it takes means I’m have to strengthen other muscles. My hands need help. Those OT sessions of youth are coming back to me. I’m releasing the pride. I refuse to deal with unnecessary pain when maybe a twenty dollar tool can help fix the problem. Tell me your gratitude today.
Happy Monday my friends. How are you today? What is on your heart?
Gratitude list
A good meal
All of you
Your turn?
Just enjoying the stillness
A nice tune
The season
That tells me
Not to rush
Into busyness
And relish
What are you ordering?
What are you reading?
What are you eating?
What are you listening to?
What are you watching?
In this season, warmth is returning to my heart. My soul is breaking the walls. I’m enjoying the ordinary, making it extraordinary. I’m relishing victories. Accepting defeat. I’m riding the waves of emotion instead of letting them consume me. I’m taking the pleasure along with the pain. I’m aware that both can coexist. I’m writing each Christmas card with joy unspeakable. My mailbox opens a whole new world each day. It’s communication I treasure much like this blog, but in a different way. I look at my Christmas tree much like life. A little shiny, a little complicated, but a whole lot to unwrap. May your day be blessed, and your countenance find a reason to smile.
This chilly morning I have to count my blessings. I woke up, took medicine and am letting my bones warm up before I exercise. God, thank you, for doing what you do without me noticing. I fail to notice how much I’m loved half the time. I’m absorbed in what I lack. And I lack very little. I worry about the details, the burden, the likelihood of change. I just have to sit back, and let it ride. So today, I try, no matter the outcome.
What sales are you shopping?
What was your favorite side yesterday?
What are you reading?
Unspoken prayer request. Please pray. Thank you.
Thanksgiving Questions
Who’s coming?
What are you cooking?
What are you drinking?
What are you watching?
What time are you eating?
I never realized how much mental agony I’ve been holding on to for this long. As much as I despise being vulnerable, I’m being set free. I’m being taught as I teach. I’m being unchained from the bondage of self-imposed secrecy of not being seen. Am I on the verge of tears. Yes. They need to be let out. It all comes back to trust. Do I trust You enough to let go, and give you the key. When I look on it, God has fulfilled my every desire, save one or two. Pray that I can trust with my whole heart. This is the closest I’ve been to total surrender I’ve been since I gave my life to Christ that April day. On this cold and clear morning, may my soul be warm and receptive.
Two cups of coffee deep, and I’m going to give another glimpse into the testimony. I will say this: My mental state was absolutely in shambles, and therapy would come later. I found that my journey to the church and worship music started to break the walls of my torn soul. I had a particular friend who on many instances would mend the pieces of me, I couldn’t fix. I still listen to worship music daily. As for the church, that’s another story. I can’t go into without my emotions getting the best of me. I also started to write. The tears that came after years of repression were needed. I will never forget sitting at my Sony Vaio bawling listening to Michael W. Smith. As I would write, the words I would read back were something I couldn’t handle. I couldn’t come to grips with getting older, and the what ifs of what my future would hold. If your disabled, and watched your family worry about you as you age, it is downright terrifying. If you have, I don’t need to explain. If you haven’t, it’s one of your greatest blessings. Disability wouldn’t kill me, but my reaction to it, almost did. I see myself being in therapy for the foreseeable future. I need to say this. God saved me more times than once, and therapy helps me stay sane. This is part two
Seasons of trial
Seasons of turmoil
Turn into
Seasons of silence
When I realize
I must be quiet
And still
My own voice
To You be
The Glory
Enjoy the rest
That He is providing
This post will be done in installments. 4-13-03. Feels like a lifetime ago. The journey to Christ officially began. I never would have predicted how much my life has changed because I made a choice to be free. What’s changed since. My mindset. I still have days where I question why. More than I want to admit. These days, I stay because of who He is, not who I am. I’m still learning I can’t judge the character of Christ because of those who profess Him. I’ve had to read the Bible for myself, and trust. I ask as I tell this story, be gentle. I’ve thought of keeping it private, but if it brings Glory to Him, I will do it. My journey to Christ was never in doubt to Him, it was to me. I never thought I’d get tired of fighting my flesh. I still fight it every day. I’m fighting it right now. Shedding the pride is very hard. I’m trying to tell the story perfectly, and that may be the hindrance I’m facing right now. I’m finding that the path to Him isn’t narrow and straight. It has stops and starts. The brokenness that brought me here, is joining me once again. Remove the pride that hindered my path to You then, and the pride that is reappearing now
Hot cup of coffee
On a frosty morning
Sets this heart
Into gratitude
As my body
Gets an instant
Pick me up
Anything bringing your heart joy?
On this Sunday, as I sit in stilled silence, I’m contemplating what to share. The question is this: My testimony then that I shared of my decision to follow Christ, is different than why I remain devoted to Him. My love for Him as I grow older is more that I am being cracked wide open. He isn’t hidden from me, and I am no longer hidden from a world I can’t change. My exhaustion is leading to peace. I’m starting to dream again. So the question is do you want the original testimony of what brought me to Him or what keeps me there. Nothing I’ve shared lately makes me comfortable. To be free, I must be uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable.
Making Christmas cards today, and hope my mailbox is full of them too.
Happy Sunday.
In the world
I’m lost
And shocked
In the center
Of the will
Of God
Is everlasting
And amazing
In the weeds
I go again
To find parts
Of myself
I’ve neglected
Since my story is so compelling as you say, what do you want to know?
What are you eating? Raisin Nut Bran
What are you ordering? Books
What are you drinking? Water
What are you watching? Christmas movies
What are you making? Dinner in the crockpot
I’m finding that after all the vulnerability I’m tired. I don’t regret it. In bravery comes freedom. I’m humbled that you come to this space daily to affirm me, to love me, and lift me. It’s very humbling for me to be loved and genuinely prayed for simply because of I dared to be bold enough to ask. God has been waiting for me to be bold. And last week, I don’t know what finally got me to break the barriers of my own soul. I thank you for your prayers. Just to know they are there brings me to tears. Thank you.
Im learning in every aspect of my life, I can’t rush time. I can’t snap my fingers right now, and make it happen tomorrow. I have to trust. There was a question about my personal life, and if and when I’m ready to fully discuss that to the last detail I will. I will say dating while disabled is a whole different animal. I have good experiences, where it wasn’t the right fit. And then we have stories that are not fit for publication. I at first was offended by this comment. This comment, however, has opened the door for me to sincerely ask for prayers in this area of my life. So for the family here that loves me here, please pray for me in this area of my life. I can’t receive the desires of my heart, if I don’t ask. I’ve asked God for years. I need intercession. Maybe I’ve been asking for the wrong things, and didn’t know it. So I ask: if you would grace me with your prayers, I would be most grateful. One of you said, when you are most vulnerable, you allow love to flow to you. Im claiming that. I’m tired of trying my way. I’m exhausted. I’m tired of feeling I’m too broken, unworthy. It’s growth. I can’t believe. Im about to hit publish.
I need thought I would do this, but there was a question raised in the comment section regarding the baclofen pump. This comment wasn’t meant to harm, but it hurt. For me, there is no alternative. Taking the baclofen orally was not working for me. I had no quality of life. I was existing. As for the access and availability in poorer countries I can’t speak of. Which brings me to something more pressing. I can’t speak to equity of most anything in the developed world versus the developing world. Does it anger me? Yes. Does it sadden me? Yes. I’m realizing that I can’t internalize the struggles of the world of which I have no control. I do my best each day to make the most of my blessings that is pleasing to God. The most difficult questions to answer are above my pay grade. When I share my experiences, I do so in hope. That you have hope. And that you fight a battle that is not mine. I’ve harbored too much guilt trying to reconcile why some have access while others do not. I’ve fought that battle. It got me nowhere, but to a therapist’s chair. I’ve asked why of God regarding my condition that will not leave me. I believe in God, but Cerebral Palsy is not leaving me. It’s acceptance. It is what it is. In an ideal world, disabled people wouldn’t feel compelled to always explain something that has no explanation or one I want. I would apologize for this post, but for once I’m not. Explanation done. I hope this ends this conversation. Blessings my friends.
I have debated writing this, but the time has come. I’m on day two of rest. Monday I had my baclofen pump refilled. I love and dread it all in one breath. It’s the day I affectionately call meeting with the needle. It’s where precision and patience must meet. The needle must locate the pump and fill. I have stopped looking at the needle because I know when it meets. It’s not exact and precise all the time. It can take time. In that time I search for kind eyes and small talk. Once done, I leave and carb load so I can have a few hours of energy to walk, shop and enjoy. Once the window closes, exhaustion sets in. The next few days are peaks and valleys of energy. I get bursts. One minute, I feel wonderful, the next I struggle to now doze off. The most mundane tasks become acts of courage. After about a week, I return to the person, I often take for granted. I’m a child of grace, blessed by a benevolent God who gives me access to healthcare many the world over could only pray for friends. I give you this brief looks into what it takes to maintain mental and physical health. Science and Jesus work in tandem in my life. Let me tell you every race, every creed, every religion has treated me. The immigrant has loved me. The treatment rooms are the melting pot. When the needle goes in, what or who you are matters not. I’m American born and bred, but my first word was not uttered in English. The Ukrainian and Cuban grandmother who I swore I was nothing like, is the one I miss most. The one who deepened my faith in Christ was a college professor I had who was a hardened atheist. You can be proud of your heritage and be a patriot in the same breath. My only desire is that you love people truly, deeply and without reservation. I don’t tell you how or what to believe. What you do, I don’t answer for. The Maker of Heaven and Earth knows your heart. He judges accordingly. We are all His children whether we profess His Omnipotence or not. Blessings my friends
Today is Halloween. A day for the candy and costumes. Today though is the anniversary of the start of this blog. Thank you for staying with me for the long haul. I was listening to James Taylor, and all I could think is how sweet it is to be loved by you. Your dedication to come here each day amazes me daily. Something I have to remind myself of every day.
Give me grace
To accept
The great things
You bestow
On me
Even asking
What are you ordering?
What are you reading?
What are you eating?
What are you wearing?
What are you watching?
Are you trick or treating?
Rainy and cool day
A nice cup of tea
A good book
And a soup
On the stove
Any prayers or praises today?
In the early morning light as the sun comes up taking a ride I am seeing Your beauty is wherever and whenever I look. How many times do I put down my phone, and take in creation. The natural world right at my fingertips. I see bright pink and purple hues in the skies, the autumn leaves fading and falling, and I’m giddy. Happiness is the time I take to enjoy the cool winds, dripping drops and twirl into a puddle of possibility. The poetry of life is found in every sigh and every smile. Every tear and every lipstick smear. Every day, the magic is always there.
What did you do this weekend?
Last thing you ordered?
Last thing you read? Besides this blog
What made you smile?
Have you started Christmas shopping?
Release the fear
Experience the joy
That each day
Because I’m alive
To see it
Your blessings today?
The salve
The balm
To a soul
That needs
To need You
Wants to
Want You
Smile down
On your loving
I need
To trust You
Because my life
Depends on it
Breaking down
In tears
This morning
Over what
I can’t control
Is telling me
I need to breathe
And when I can’t
Bring it
To the feet
Of the Father
I need prayer
To rid
Me of
The rage
I’m angry
And need
To hydrate
It’s Friday. I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend. Any prayer requests today? Anything on your heart my friends? Sending hugs to all who need them. Hugs.
Thursday happies
Breakfast with a friend
Shopping at Trader Joe’s
New water bottle
Your turn?
With a hint of darkness still obscuring natural light this morning, I’m huddled in my thinking chair. I have been giving God a running wishlist for years. The miraculous is that He has obliged my whims and given more than I can imagine. When I look around me, I’m just in awe that He takes such good care of me. As a disabled person, you need an inordinate amount of help daily. God provides every day. All He asks is that I accept His mercies with a grateful heart. This morning, my thoughts are not smooth or succinct. I’m just grateful for it all even when I can’t express it eloquently.
In the simple still of Monday I sit here remembering that valleys don’t last forever. I’m climbing out and upward not dwelling in the places and spaces I don’t belong. In autumn, I’m coming alive to the possibility that life gets sweeter when answers aren’t found. The leaves fall to the ground and change colors in hopes of brighter tomorrows. I’m taking nature’s lead.
Highlight of your weekend?
Last thing you ordered?
Last thing you read?
Have you seen fall foliage?
Favorite fall destination?
Mountain roads
And a cool breeze
Bring peace
Add doughnuts
Some cute
Nieces and nephews
And my day
Is all set
Happy Friday. Any weekend plans?
Thank you Lord
For doing it
Again and again
Calming my mind
Relaxing my heart
And taking care
Of me
When I think
I can’t.
How good
Is my life
Too good
To be true
But it is
A true miracle
From whom
Not much
Was expected
But God said
Challenge accepted
Brisk temperatures
Hot beverages
Long walks
Hearty food
Ready for
You October
Any prayer requests and or praises?
Last thing you read beside my blog?
Last person you complimented?
Last book you loved?
Last random act of kindness?
Last thing you cooked?
May my life
Be a light
A beacon of hope
A fruitful endeavor
A journey
That yields
And a strength
To do
Your will
Speak to me
Do not respond
With your desires
For that
Is when
I miss
The message
Jesus and coffee
I need them both
A shot of energy
Forgiveness and fortitude
To live in a world
That confounds this mind
Yet leaves it mystified
At the same time
Grant me
The wisdom
To be an instrument
Of Your peace
And lean
Not on
My own understand
But a faith
That says
Why not
In the cool dew, my feet are awakened to a renewed peace. The winds of time give me pause to smile. God is doing what I need, when I just put aside my desire, and let it be. He works when I stop giving instructions. I fall back. He rises up. Rest the soul, and He makes Himself known. The fixer in me halts, and He meets my feet. What a thought.
Meet me
In the middle
And see
The magic
That happens
When the Master
Lifts His Hands
Last thing you bought?
Last restaurant you visited?
Last dessert you ate?
Last thing you made?
Last vacation you took?
Chasing water like it’s my job. It’s the one thing that gets me going. It hydrates, cleanses, refreshes and restores. I’m awaiting the rain to fall, and my soul rejoices. Another chance to relax while enjoying seeing God work. Stepping back so I can be present in the now. Taste it. Smell it. Touch it. Let my senses glisten in anticipation. Presence is the best present. Try it.
For the past few days I have put my fear to the side, and truly enjoyed life. My body has been one with nature, and my mind has reaped the benefits. Salty sweat and cool breezes have been constant reminders that initial discomfort later brings me joy that I haven’t felt in years. I have a beauty that says makeup is not needed. When I look at pictures, the old me is there. And it is a sight I long to see. My soul is returning, and my mind is clear. Small victory my friend. I’m savoring it. You should too. Every victory reveals characteristics not lost, just dormant.
Things making me joyful
A long walk downtown
Being in nature
Good food
New braces
Your turn?
On this day of reflection, what are you grateful for? My hugs and prayers for a greater humanity full of hope, joy and love.
Last thing you read?
Last thing you bought?
Favorite fall treat?
What’s your middle name?
Guilty pleasure?
The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams
Apple cider doughnuts
Two Dots
A bowl of Grape Nuts
After a sweaty session
Feeling grateful
For the knowledge
That acceptance
Is growth
I can be
Proud of
My answer is no answer. I don’t need to speak to make a point. Silence speaks louder than my words ever could. So many times lately, I’ve had to not comment on what I see. I shake my head in disbelief on a daily basis. I no longer count. I no longer actively seek to change the world. If it happens, I’m greatly appreciative. If not, it’s not the end of the world. The seeds of change happen each day when I look in the mirror and purposely smile. Think about it.
Dreaming of strolling
Rolling around
In the warm grass
As bright blue skies
Skim my skin
In delight
As I savor summer, I realize I must acquaint with the real world. Facebook isn’t it. My life needs to be surrounded by truth, love and the beauty of humanity. I wonder when we will actually form opinions from experience not purported falsehoods. I’m glad my youth was formed by a love of books and critical thinking. Cerebral Palsy continues to teach me that I don’t bury my head to pain, but I actively seek what feeds the soul. I miss walking to the mailbox and chatting with my neighbors as I would bring them my old issues of fashion magazines I had accumulated. The small chit chat would lead to meaningful conversations I can still recall. Coming inside for some snacks and ice cold coke. What would be a few minutes, would end up being an afternoon. One that brings a wry smile to my face. The good ole days can still survive if we make the time.
Smooth feet and pedicured toes. The podiatrist chair. I didn’t want to go at first, but at the end I was so glad I completed the task. If I let my anxiety subside, I can lay back and enjoy the process. My feet are callous free for the first time in a year. This brings me to thinking that what I just put off as mere annoyances were actual impediments. I’m learning that my anxiety and fear has jackknifed my happiness in so many ways. I shouldn’t withstand annoyance, perceived or otherwise, when there are easy remedies. God,
You keep
Showing up
In each chair
In each room
And saying
I’m with you
What’s the problem
Don’t you feel better
I love your feet
Now you must
Do the same
A season of daily graces where everything makes you grateful. The treadmill with the fan beside me with eighties hits cheering me on. It’s on that machine as the app’s trainer puts me through the paces that the tears and sweat mix. If you ever told me, I’d be able to walk on a treadmill without fear, I couldn’t fathom it. I don’t know how many milestones I’ve hit despite the doubt. It’s now as my freshly showered body is seated on this comfortable couch that I am realizing that success happens when fear is overcome by sheer curiosity and an iron will. With each day I regain the confidence lost. It’s not lost, just being unearthed once again. Challenge yourself and watch the dirt disappear.
Unlocking the heart
With the key
You misplaced
Many eons ago
Cane pole
Some worms
A coke
And Lance crackers
A day on the lake. The wind and wake combine to form ecstasy. Late summer sun with a breeze as my portable fan. Just cruising around looking at my favorite homes. Which one do I pick? It’s almost like I would jump out of the boat, swim and introduce myself to the owners. I could only imagine them sipping sweet tea on that veranda. My only offer is a hearty hey there. When I got home, I’d just shower and collapse into my clean green sheets. My dog would still smell like lake water after he fell in, thinking he had twinkle toes as he made his way around the boat. He would soon find out to the contrary. I can taste the sunscreen and melted Hershey bars that made a mess of my beautiful and carefree countenance.
In the
Me wanting
As Autumn
Waits to make
Her Grand Entrance
I ask myself lately this question. What is that? Does God my full attention. Not to complain. Not to right others’ wrongs. Am I giving Him all of me so I can do His perfect and pleasing will. With the anchor of God, each day is a reset. Daily I need to step into His word and live it out. When I veer, pain is on its way. I desire the candy of life, but it leaves me hungry for the food that nourishes. I need the broccoli and beef not Swedish fish or Sour Patch Kids. As much as I like the latter, it leaves me yearning not long after being consumed. Satisfaction comes from hard work. It comes from doing the necessary. It comes from the silent determined face that is quiet that speaks without uttering a word.
In Your prescience
I look up
I don’t join
In worldly arguments
I just persevere
Vengeance is
Not mine
My job
Is here
To complete
With these keys
You’ve put
Before me
I’ve lost track of days, but you get the gist. Tired from a good workout yet mentally energized. Something about moving the body. It’s so true. I made it through the entire workout without stopping. How many times have I quit before the finish line. I’m in the valleys, and it’s not where I desire to be. I’m accepting that daily. I don’t multitask at all. Certain tasks if not all take my undivided attention. I must be fully present walking, talking or doing anything. If I don’t there are consequences. I have taken spills because I wasn’t watching where I was going. Every action requires a precise reaction. I think I programmed myself to always be on the move, without regard to what was best for me. I took societal cues, ran a race not designed for a me, and played a game where the odds weren’t in my favor. I took gambles’ I shouldn’t have. Run my race, not the one I wish I had. Success will come when it wants. The path is long, but taking the shortcut is rougher in the end.
The journey
Is tougher
When I let
My wants
Common sense
Coming to you today from a place I know well. What’s this place called? Doubt. Faith and doubt don’t mix. Like oil and water. Or do they? Writing is like weeding a garden. Trying to protect the good, while getting rid of the unwanted pests. In my garden between the sweet, red tomatoes are the weeds that try to overwhelm the fruit. I’m always still amazed tomatoes are a fruit. As I’ve gotten down on my knees plucking the unwanted to preserve the desired, I’m reminded of how parents do the same. My will has run wild much to my own detriment. I hate to admit when they’re right. I don’t like to say that I’m still young enough to not know everything. With each and everyday I only learn when I put my selfishness aside in the admission that with acknowledgement that as long as I breathe, I am being molded into the best creation I can be.
Day Five
What will I come up with today. The Sunday Sermon is coming. I’m stretched and going. I only need some joe and I’m ready to rock. Help me come up with not just mere words, but kindle in my soul a desire to be me. Who I am is more than okay. Every day is one to speak life into an imperfect body and frazzled mind. Releasing anger and frustration, and being humble enough to tear the veil. I’ve held back, and it has cost me peace. Peace is too darn expensive. Time and peace. The only things I really desire more of in this life. Realign and prioritize.
In this
Sunday situation
Sit in the stillness
Of summer sizzle
And stall
The soul
In my favorite jeans
On Day Four
Am I willing
To be wholly uncomfortable
With what I’m about
To say
I’ve learned nothing but bad habits by being comfortable. I always need to be stretched physically and mentally. I need to sweat. I’ve never liked the weeds, but it’s where I learn to thrive. I’ve learned survival skills there. And survival for me includes learning how to communicate. I don’t do it well in person at all. I detest it honestly. I make mountains out of molehills because I misconstrue or misinterpret what others say. I’m very literal. I don’t tell jokes. I don’t let people in. I’m changing that. I will always have to teach.
I share this with you because I’m eating crow. I always complained that I didn’t want this to be my assignment. And here I am. I’m doing exactly what I said I wouldn’t. If this is the first part of surrender, Lord, I’m under Your wing.
Day Two:
In the weeds I go. Time to get scraped, itchy and dirty. Strapping on the braces of discomfort. Please relish youth. You don’t get it back. I harken back to days of trying to drive a go-kart and failing miserably. I drove it in the gate five times. Covered in cow manure and sweat. Can you imagine? An editorial for Vogue awaits me. As frustrated as I was that day, it’s now a treasured memory. A keepsake of driving. I long for something I can’t do, but that day I did. Failing in open spaces. Farm life gives you lessons that now cost hundreds in the therapy chair. I don’t regret either. I need both. I need to fall down, feel the earth and then discuss it. It’s a pattern, I’m sure I don’t have the right to trademark. I’ve tasted grass, hay bales and bugs. There is no limit to what you encounter in the woods of Carolina. The morning call of the chickens has me brewing coffee at four in the morning. It’s not lost on me that the life I lead is a dream to many. It’s only know as I sit and ruminate, that we don’t realize when mistakes become the biggest sources of gratitude. Vogue cover girl am I? Chanel dipped in old school soul. Funnier things have happened
The muddy water. I’m wading through it. Metaphor. I know, it’s life. Each day I feel the need to walk down to the pond and meditate. Let the summer sun take me away. Be one with the mosquitoes and bees. Take a swim in that water with the fish right beside me. Be one with the land. Let God’s creation envelope me in a hug. One I’ve denied myself for far too long. Maybe as we children, we have it right. Too much thinking, not enough doing. Jump, don’t hesitate. Not everything with bite unless we try. When I say we, I mean me. I’ve put off writing, beyond what I’ve gotten comfortable with, and that’s not when you grow. I want lots of things, but I’ve not put in the work. Anything worth doing takes effort, even if that is to remind myself to breathe and hydrate. I’m reading others’ words. I need to read my own. That means I must write them. What’s the good with talent, if you don’t use it. It goes wasted. I have always worried, and God has always said: Go! I won’t let you fail. If you do, it is alright. We’ve made failure a bad word. I need to embrace it. Success comes from repeated failure. I’ve stopped failing, because I stopped trying. The world’s must successful failure. I like the sound of that. Making lemonade again. It feels so good to get into the weeds again. Will you join me?
As I sit
In the silence
I remember
A goodness
That life has
When I stop
And recall
The beauty
That God
Blesses me
With every day
The green grass
That tickle my toes
The water hose
That sprays
My face
So coolly
As my red cheeks
Seek the good
Searching for
The miracle
That isn’t hard
To find at all
The aroma
Of peach muffins
Has my
This morning
Smile bright
Smile wide
The world
Needs your light
This morning
To a favorite song
From another era
A sweet memory
That makes me
Smile this morning
Share your joy
My friends
It’s so useful
In a world
That focuses
On what’s wrong
And doesn’t celebrate
The good things
Last thing I read- Tatler magazine travel article
Last thing I ordered- Gloves
Last thing I ate- Pancakes
Last thing I drank- coffee
Last blog I visited- Maxine’s.
Your turn. Go!
Rough night
Can’t forgive myself
For a mistake
I made
Tell me
Something good
That’s happened
To you
You give me hope
God supplying
My needs today
Is all I can say
Thank you
For supporting
A lowly girl
For answers
In a cruel world
Searching for direction
What is it
You seek
Of me
Is it
Complete surrender
Surrender everything
I’ve ever wanted
For striving
Has caused
More strife
You never
Said anything
Worth doing
Would be easy
Give my heart
The desire
To keep going
Last thing you bought
Last thing you read
Last thing that made you smile?
Last thing that broke your heart?
What are you cooking tonight?
I claim
Your promises
As my flesh
Is weak
But my
Is renewed
By reading
Your words
What is on your heart today?
My favorites today
A nice shrimp dinner
Happy mail
A new word search
And most importantly, I don’t have to convince of my opinions.
That’s not my job
It’s to love you
Despite your shortcomings
As I try
To the same
For myself
Please pray for a dear friend’s husband as they determine the type of cancer and it’s severity. Thank you so much for your prayers.
The memory of yesterday
Propels me forward
To see
The beauty
Of today
Share with me any favorite memories.
Fruit so sweet
Kissing my lips
The smell an elixir
The taste divine
A perfect start
To a day
I am grateful
To be able
To experience fully
What a you grateful for today?
To bear fruit
I must be pruned
In surrender
Silent and still
In growing
That the wait
The harvest
Of my soul
Last thing you made?
Favorite savory treat?
Last thing you bought?
Favorite school memory?
Favorite exercise?
Ebb and flow
Not always linear
I’ve not always
Addressed the albatross
The elephant
I’ve not shaken
Much like Disability
Show up
At unexpected times
With each blessing
Comes a bittersweet reality
That doesn’t release
And I have
To come back
To coping mechanisms
I abandon
Until I realize
I’m not cured
But a daily
Work in
The fruits
Of the spirit
Some of us
Just learn
To deal
Out of
Pure necessity
Your body
Your soul
Thank you
For giving
Love to something
You’ve neglected
For too long
Chin up
It isn’t
The end
But a
New beginning
In the storm
You don’t delight
In my pain
I don’t like you
Please renew
My faith
I’m so tired
Of trying
To do right
It seems futile
And sweltering
Summer in the South
Here’s to a cool treat
To ease the strain
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I appreciate it.
In this thirty-eight year
Please let me live well
Praise effortlessly
Pray with intention
And those
That hurt me
Love them
So that they
Can do
The same
How they
Treat you
Is not
A reflection
Of your character
But theirs
You know
My heart
Refine it
And make
It whole
Favorite desserts- cake and brownies
Olympic sport- Table tennis
Caribbean Island-Anguilla
Writing utensil- Precise V5 Pen
Calming activity-Word searches
In my red tee
Liberty bell
Across my chest
And all I can feel
Is abundance
For seeing
A world
I only
Of before
Getting away
My mind shifts
My heart
And my soul
Is revived
With each space
And every place
I shatter expectations
My own
And that gift
Is the one
My eyes
Get to see
Because of the faith
I cannot
This flawed one
Seeks affirmation
From others
That formula
Only brings
For approval
From fellow man
Is a recipe
For regret
From a source
That cannot fill
Our deepest longings
For the One
Who sustains
The fixer
Of my soul
I’m sorry
If my words
Are lacking
I’m having
To work
This muscle
I’m comparing
What I write
And wondering
Is it too frivolous
Is it meaningful
Does it matter
I still
I get the privilege
To do it
Maybe some days
I wonder
To keep
At it
But to improve
I must continue
Despite the doubts
My mind creates
Dreaming of
Once you
Visit Italy
It never
The heart
Make me
Like a million bucks
Pumping up
The tunes
Letting the beats
Take me
To a joyful place
Where the mission
Is to get my
Body in
A groove
That lasts
All day
Some questions
What’s for breakfast?
Last book you read?
What are you watching?
Where did you go to college?
What is your favorite hobby?
That easy
Breezy Friday
That enveloping me
With the warmest hug
One that I need today
To remind me
Of all the goodness
I see
The view
My window
Is only
That the
Lord provides
In my soul
The knowledge
Is there
That reminds
Me of
Your faithfulness
Even when
I am not
Give me wisdom
To not rush
My wants
For what
You command
Help us
To see
Each day
As a blessing
We are fortunate
To see
Please pray for the Robson family as they mourn the loss of their daughter Charlotte.
Weeding out the mess
To find the diamond
Lord, I know
I shouldn’t settle
But waiting
Is so hard
Perseverance doesn’t
Come easy
Where do you live?
Favorite place to travel?
Lifelong dream?
Favorite place to eat?
Tell me one fact about yourself not many people know?
Summer fun
Bats swinging
Sunflower seeds
And peanuts
Play ball
As the fans
Sweat in
Their seats
Routine fly balls
And towering
Home run bombs
Thank you
For reminding
Why I write
It helps
Others smile
Think and love
That is my earnest
Humans are fragile
In need of compassion
Watching the
Billionaires battle
In space
With awe
As I have
My popcorn
And chocolate bars
Beside me
A nice bowl
Of oats and berries
With some almond milk
In my coffee
To get my day
Started on
A bright note
Down by the pond
Pooch by my side
Watching the water wade
As the fish feed
Is peace
In real life
If only momentarily
In the tall grass
By furry friends
Is the best place
To be
On this rather
Cool morning
Sweet puppy smooches
On the beautiful Friday
Being grateful
In the small details
That surround me
In every way
When I’m
Not sure
Of what
To believe
You are
With me
And that is
Where I
Must remain
In the Grecian sun
I’m at peace
Among the
Blue hues
That mark
A landscape
I often
Dream about
Until we meet
You are
The fantasy
I wish
To make real
Starting off
My day
With an
That has
Been lacking
My countenance
For far
Too long
I’m grateful for all of you
Thank you so much
For pouring
Into this
So faithfully
By the
Daily forgiveness
That is so freely mine
When I seek
The many gifts
You bestow
On Your children
Wandering the back roads
Down gravel roads
Off beaten paths
I find life
At its best
By what
I didn’t expect
That took my breath
And left my face
With a smile
I didn’t fake
Let me
Lay my pride
Down at your feet
My desire
This day
That brings
And unlimited blessings
I’m thankful
For love
And family
That don’t
Leave me
Each moment
Is a chance
To restart
And set
A new intention
I need it
I haven’t done
The best
Taking care
Of myself
Is another day
To make right
What is wrong
Thank you
Waking up
With coffee
And a good friend
The best
Of situations
That cause growth
Even if
I’m not comfortable
I really
didn't want
to meet again
in the rain
i feel you
making it known
that you must
face the mountain
that has become
Look up
The Rock
is here
Run to me
not limping
in shame
and disgrace
I didn't make
you in fear
Stand tall
I will not
Forsake you
Take my hand
it's always
within your reach
A button
You can
Stop caring
Help me
I don’t know
What to do
In your World
You tell us
to refrain
From anger
I'm angry
at myself
Who knew
the hardest
to forgive
would be
the one
I can't bear
to look
at in
the mirror
having to be honest
to grow
at its root
aren't fixed
until they're faced
I have rebelled
help me conform
to Your will
Mine fails
every time
I always seem
to need reminders
that my strength
will fade
While Yours
I replay
every mistake
each foible
release me
from my need
for control
it's elusive
and exhausting
Forgiving myself
is a daily act
of grace
is a daily reminder
Cerebral Palsy
makes an appearance
Every day
What I tried
to wish away
is always with me
That is why
I must make
a call everyday
to the only One
who gives me perseverance
to make those calls
deal with difficulty
and understand
that I have to
make the decision
to be proactive
Cherish your health
and love yourself
no matter what
it costs
How are you doing
My sweet friends
On this beautiful
Friday morn
Love and hugs
From my heart
To yours
Pink nails
Red toes
Picking yellow flowers
While honing in
On nearby
Baby’s breath
And my feet
Get lost
In nature’s aroma
The simple pleasure
Is often
The best one
This morning
I’m speechless
In awe
That a broken
Sin-filled soul
Is given
Again and again
In each moment
Despite the fact
That I don’t
Merit it
At all
The boat’s wake
Looking back
Clean lines
What once was
Now distant memories
Etched indelibly
God guide me
Guard me
from thoughts
that are not
From you
Redeem me
Refine me
and return
to me
the joy
of my salvation
Please rid me
Of my need
To be seen
Or heard
When I’m
In your Presence
All is well
And In
The Hands
That can
Do no
I think of worst case scenarios
And I need to stop
it's killing me inside
The control freak
in me
can't decide
if I want answers
or can handle them
it's a week
Where the more
i try to surrender
The more I'm not
getting it right
Who knew
i ask for prayers
as i let go
And let God
but a friend
told me
it would take
until I would
embrace surrender
You’ve delivered me before
You can do it again
I’m scared
With You
Another testimony
Will be written
Bring me
To the place
Where peace and
Perspective meet
Heart is
Full of joy
When I let
Expectations go
And faith
In a mind
Rooted in
Give me strength
To take each day
As it comes
Have faith
To trust
The process
Even when
It’s hard
Is the greatest
Source of wealth