Happy Valentine’s Day my friends
May you
Know love
And feel
It in
Your core
That no
Matter what
Love is available
For all
A big hug
To you
Dear ones
Who never
Cease to
Build up
A soul
Love yourself and one another
Happy Valentine’s Day my friends
May you
Know love
And feel
It in
Your core
That no
Matter what
Love is available
For all
A big hug
To you
Dear ones
Who never
Cease to
Build up
A soul
Love yourself and one another
Things bringing me joy
A cozy blanket and a fire in my fireplace
Watching hockey and baseball starting back
Chats with friends
Your turn
As I’m making cornbread to go with chili, I’ve listening to Italian music with a scape of the Italian Riviera. In the present, I’m in the Deep South, in the precipice of my soul I’ve returned to the place that sparks my dreams. Whether or when I return doesn’t matter, my mind was allowed to wander with wonder. It’s something I’ve not done in a long time. My reality didn’t change, but my perception and perspective did. That my dear friends is a gift. One I’ve not appreciated fully or enough.
I haven’t listed my gratitude lately, and my mental health can tell. Apart from life and Jesus for which I’m eternally grateful, I need to add one thing in particular. I’m grateful for my imagination to come up with a story to take me where I want to go until my reality complies. Thank you Lord. What I’ve not liked about myself is saving me right now.
Please never stop dreaming. I used to think it was pointless. I was going to la la land. I didn’t live in reality. Let me tell you, I’m fully aware of reality. More than I want to admit. If my mind decides to take a ten minute detour, I’m going to enjoy the ride.
Love yourself and one another
Let me
Give thanks
For breath
And Your love
Sustain a soul
I can’t fix
What ails me
Love yourself and one another
The cold rain
As I sit
By a warm
Soothing fire
Listening to
Some worship music
As I ponder
All my
Many blessings
It’s getting cooler
And again
With jarring temperatures
Comes clarity
And calm
As I realize
Each season
Has a purpose
The snow
The chilly rains
Provide a lesson
For how
To rise
In spite
Of adversity
The goosebumps
Are an incentive
To exercise
Warming them
Up in
A sweaty sheen
That releases
Those endorphins
That I crave
As I reflect
On the
At hand
Cool breezes
Are back again
Calming me
As tapping
Of keys
Because blessings
Find us
No expectation
Is found
Taking this
Lord’s day
To dance
To my drum
And revel
In the goodness
Of simple pleasures
That are the
True treasures
Remind me
Which Master
I serve
Is it money
Is it
When we
You rejoice
Or will
Your face
Love me
Even as
I need
Constant reminders
Of what
And it
Isn’t my
Run your race
Not others
You only answer
To me
And your
Mental toil
Isn’t meant
For worry
Of what
Will be
Trust me
Not what
Worldly influence
Let me trust
Not fear
I can’t see
Rise up
And find
The determination
To sing
And find
The reason
To smile
Thank you Lord
For what
You do
Even if
I’m not
Paying attention
I went for a scheduled doctor’s appointment yesterday. Treatment is working. No pain. A little soreness or stiffness. It felt odd to have no complaints yesterday. I haven’t been paying attention, but you’ve got it now. A blessing I don’t want to take for granted.
Love yourself and one another
When God speaks
The attack comes
The battle ensues
For my very
Hold fast
My child
My strength
Will become
If I could have your prayers, I’d be most grateful
Love yourself and one another
Let me remember
All the victories
Not the defeats
I’m human still
I just know
I need you
More than ever
Let me not
Grow bitter
At my kindness
Being misunderstood
I reminded
I can’t control others
Just myself
As hard as
It is
Pray for me
Having empathy
Means sometimes
You say
The wrong things
Then beg
For forgiveness
Reigning in
My anxiety
Is like
A bull
Into submission
What you
Ask of me
Can I
Do it
Rid myself
Of selfish need
For instant gratification
Instead of awaiting
The will
Of a beautiful
Father who
Invites me
Into His arms
Will I accept
And trust
What I
Can’t see
Yet has
Never forgotten me
A friend asked
What was
Troubling me
It’s the
What ifs
He answers
My plight
By bringing
His power
From tips
To lips
I am
I am
Grateful for life
Grateful for breakfast
A warm blanket
May Your
Love wrap us
In your waiting arms
Bless us
With your Presence
Draw us
To you
And you
Grateful for breath
Grateful for comfort food
Grateful for hope
Savoring the small joys I encounter. Yesterday in Wal-Mart I got stopped by an old teacher. One who hasn’t taught me in over 20 years at least. What she remembered about me was my smile. And to get that compliment made me smile. It reminded me that a smile can really change the world.
The small things really are the things that make the most
Love yourself ano one another
Honestly, I’m exhausted. My body is holding up. Praise Hands. My mind is a wreck. I decided that in addition to morning prayers, I needed to pray about what I write here. It’s the first time it has occurred to me. Words have power, and I need to be honest, but careful in what I say. What I once prayed for with regard to this space, has exceeded my expectations.
When you ask God to give you a purpose, He does. With that comes responsibility and contemplation. I continue to write here because for the most part I enjoy it. I find that God keeps me coming back each day to minister to you, but mostly to myself. When you ask Him to rid of worldly idols, you find out your own flaws and biases.
I’m also finding growing pains. It seems like I’m on my knees multiple times a day right now. I’m praying for myself and others. I’m so glad God doesn’t get tired of me. So right now, I need prayer to carry me. Right now, my mind can only process the present moment. My dreams and desires are still there, but I can’t focus there. I’m in a minute to minute state of living.
I’m realizing my humanity, and my need for something greater. Life of surrender is happening without my permission. I’m allowing it because it’s my best option. It’s true. When you reach the end of yourself is when He works.
So in this moment, I pray for the strength to continue surrendering. Continue hoping. Continue loving. And begin to give myself the grace I try to give to others.
Love yourself and one another
You keep teaching
Fairness is not
Always automatic
But You are good
Even if
The world
Is not
Show me
Beseech me
Give me
A gaze heavenward
Not on the
One that
Can no
Longer be understood
In the journey
To true success
Not my own
Grateful for a new day
Grateful to move my body
Grateful for a cozy couch
Sometimes you win, sometimes not. I’m learning more from the losses. The losses teach me what went wrong, new lessons, and gratitude for another chance. Life isn’t fair. Why? The one question that perplexes me. I’ve learned. I’ve learned that asking why gets me no answers that satisfy. So I ask you to pray that I have joy no matter why.
When you tell the world you’re grateful for peace, get ready to be tested. Had a tough time yesterday, but with everything, iron is sharpened. So today, my mission is simple.
Some recent life lessons
Your worth isn’t tied to your wealth or accomplishments. If the world loves you too much, you may lose yourself in it.
Jesus is working overtime with me. Being broken down is affirmation in a way that can’t be fully explained.
Wanting people to love me or understand me is no longer fruitful.
Sometimes the only person who can give you joy is self.
If it’s popular, I no longer want it.
This girl wants truth, not a preconceived notion
My challenge
Give a smile. A compliment to an unsuspecting recipient.
Love yourself and one another
I never thought yesterday’s post would resonate. That’s why this writer is just writing. I’m giving you all of me. Surrender means what God can do with my meager means in each way. I’m just to be led, and then let Him work miracles. Maybe the miracle in me is that I quit seeking worldly desires, and He will give me exactly what I seek.
Man is flawed. Deeply, deeply flawed, and yet so loved. In the past few days, I’ve seen the depths of sadness, pain, hurt and joy all together. Your status or accomplishments mean nothing if you don’t love. My accomplishments will not be remembered, but the depth of love that comes from my heart will.
Love yourself and one another
Grateful for snail mail
Grateful for good music
Grateful for good food
Listening to some tunes dreaming of all the goodness there is when I stop and look. Seeking joy like it is my job. Right now it is.
In your eyes
I see truth
And hope
That never ends
Love yourself and one another
Grateful for discernment
Grateful for peace
Grateful for surrender
The peace
I have
Right now
Is more precious
Than any penny
You are working
And it’s working
Because of receptiveness
To instruction
Could you continue to pray. Flood the zone of love for my favorite people. Thank you.
Love yourself and one another
What’s on your heart?
What is making you smile?
What is your last book read?
Favorite travel destination?
What is the last you did that made you joyful?
The Redeemer
Of my soul
The lifter
Of my head
My prayer
Is this day
No human
Dare question
Who holds
My hope
Asking for miraculous healing for people dear to me. When surrender became the only option, You rejoice because it is the desire of Your heart. It needs to be mine too.
I won’t argue
Or fight fights
That aren’t mine
My strength
Is required elsewhere
Love yourself and one another
I don’t have to like you, but I’m called to love you
The bones
Hit bitter cold
But in brutal temps
I’m reminded
Of the fact
That change
Even as eyes
Are focused
Let my light
So that
What you see
Is actually truth
What once
Brought joy
Now brings
Bitter jealousy
Ridding myself
Of the things
That hinder
Is a blessing
An allure
That no
Longer thrives
But destroys
The soul
Of a woman
Seeking peace
In simplicity
The diamond cross
Is the only
Reminding me
Of my service
And devotional praise
Grateful for unexplained joy
Grateful for life giving breath
Grateful for a new journal
The television is on. Talking heads are arguing. And yet I’m singing. My joy isn’t dependent on external forces. Fix my eyes on You. Keep loving the people who come in contact with you daily. Your ministry is your smile. My eyes speak more than my lips ever could.
Love yourself and one another
In the midst of sorrow and pain, you can despair or you can rise. In the past few days, I’ve been very intentional. What are my eyes seeing, what am I listening to, what am I consuming. Recently, I’m having to be reminded that eccentricity is not a bad thing. I’m an old soul. I’m refraining from the gossip rags, the celebrity idolization, and focusing on how to be a better human being. God’s in the conviction business.
I’m taking care of my mind and body. I’ve long abandoned it, but I can’t any longer. I took a slow thirty minute walk on the treadmill. In the past I would focus on how slow I was, but for my body to walk on a treadmill at 41 is a miracle. I remember being a child trying to walk on it, and I couldn’t physically or mentally. I’ve probably told this story, but it bears repeating, if only for my hard headed self. Progress happens even if it took forever.
Medically, it’s a miracle I’m as ambulatory as I am. God has been good to me. More than good. I need to write this down for the days that aren’t great. I’m fully cognizant of that fact. My body will not always have good days. I relish them right now. I’m grateful for each one. I’m having to realize that when I wrote all my goals down in a journal years ago, only two haven’t been answered. Two. That means God’s batting average is pretty darn good. I won’t sugarcoat, and tell you I’ve haven’t been humbled.
God does that too. Right now, in helping others, I’m helping myself. I’m finding my purpose. My joy. When I told you I didn’t serve man, I meant it. I’m not going to be a keyboard warrior, or tell you you’re a horrible human being. I’m letting God do His job. I’m too mentally tired to police the world. I’m praying, and let God lead me. Every time I feel inadequate, God says the world doesn’t need your dollars, it needs your heart. It needs your light.
A light you dimmed. Dimmed because the world didn’t understand you. A world that will never give you what you need, but a world that needs you. More than you want to admit or finally accept. You don’t need the world, Regine, but it needs you. Love the people in the world, but don’t lose yourself in it. Trying to fit in. You never have. You never will.
It’s okay. It’s more than okay. The girl who still chooses old classics over new hits. The girl who would rather watch ballet over breakdancing. Give me comfort over conformity. Give me the food that evokes a memory not fancy deconstruction. Odd end in a new world. I want the truth. Not a made up mystery.
I was reminded of something. I will always care. I always have. Always will. It’s who I am. I don’t need applause even though in my humanness I crave it. My desire for it is being dealt with every day.
I don’t know my point. Or if I’m trying to make one.
Live and let live
For the author
Makes His judgements
Not I
Grateful for unexpected joys
Grateful for life
Grateful for a cute dog
Finding the good in everyday life is proving to be a blessing. Not everyday is going to be joyful, but I can be. Last night going through the TV channels we came upon my nephew and his fishing videos on YouTube. It was pure joy to see his enthusiasm. His passion. And I want to share some of that with you.
I hope I can follow my nephew’s example. I want you to feel my joy and enthusiasm.
His channel is MK Outdoors. I’m so proud of him.
Love yourself and one another.
Grateful for a new week
A fire in the fireplace
Unexplained joy
Starting a little something new
Keeping a prayer journal
Seeing how He answers
Prayer requests? Praises?
Grateful for cooler weather
Grateful for a warm shower
Grateful for life
I’m grateful for those around me who are helping reframe my mindset. God is working in me. I don’t serve humans. I serve God. And He uses me as a conduit to love people. Let yourself be used. Surrender is taking on new meaning each day. I’m blessed to be a blessing.
Love yourself and one another
Grateful for empathy
Grateful for joy
Grateful for life
The fragility of life
Be grateful
For suffering
Happens daily
I’m just here
To love
And bring a smile
Love yourself and one another
Grateful for a home
Grateful for life
Grateful for a platform
Thank you Lord, for this platform. To inspire, give hope, and hopefully make change. I’m not a big name, but I can do things with big love. If you have the opportunity to love others well, do it. I’m learning my limitations, but I’m also realizing the possibilities. Love has no cost. It really doesn’t. You show me that everyday.
Thank you
For a gift
I never wanted
But got anyway
Love yourself and one another
Refine me
May I relish joy
Find peace
In Your Will
As I come
To grips
With reality
Find the good
Because the bad
Is all around
Grateful that
You surround
My being
With the
Delicacy of
Expensive caviar
And gauzy
Silken scarves
Grateful for life
Thank you
For my life
For your love
For your joy
That is making
Me whole again
Thank you
For my health
With it
My mental state
Is stable
And hopeful
Any prayer requests? Any praises?
I have some friends who could use some prayers. And if you would spare for me that my health remains stable.
Love yourself and one another
Rid me
Of my need
To have
Every nook
And cranny
And notice
That life
Is a messy
That humans
Can’t tame
Grateful for a warm breakfast
Grateful to be alive
Grateful for all of you
To a skid
On a sharpened blade
The cool feel
Of shredded ice
Hits my bare
As I shake
Them out
I had some
Shearling gloves
On standby
In silk
On frozen waters
Clear, clean ice
Looking out
At leafless trees
That beckon
My mind’s eye
To beauty
In barrenness
The expectation
To rise
In every occasion
Maybe the bears
Had it right
Be still
The closest
To surrender
Many will bear
The mink stole
Of my great grandmother
Brings me peace
As seeking
To inhabit
Her world
For a moment
While realizing
That imagination
Is the closest
I get to
A life well lived
For a photo
Reminds me of
Her beauty
But not much
Grateful for a warm home
Being alive
A good night’s rest
Rainy and cold
But every season
Brings a lesson
If I’m willing
To learn
Show me
Your goodness
And love
Even in
My uncertainty
Gratitude for today
A sweet message I didn’t anticipate
Sitting Indian style
Being alive
Growth isn’t linear. Isn’t isn’t something I can measure in real time. It happens in the way I live. Just as I work on keeping my muscles limber, I work on humility and grace. I seek cohesion between the mind and body.
In stillness
May I silence
My thoughts
To hear
I’m grateful to be alive
I’m grateful to be able to stretch
I’m grateful my bodily functions are working
These three things alone are a blessing, I’ve taken for granted. For my body to be agreeable today is total joy. God is having to break it down so fundamentally for my feeble brain to get the message. Every day my brain has to be reframed and retrained. I told you I would list my gratitude every day. And follow through is important.
Obedience and surrender is a daily practice. Loving myself is an act of discipline. I don’t have all I want, but until I’m grateful for what I have, I won’t be happy with what I get.
What you personify
Is what
I aim
To be
My posts have been short lately, but my biggest fan has asked for something longer. So here we go. For the New Year, I’m going to need to stick to God like glue. I’m going to need to list my joys every days. I’m going to need to list my gratitude every day even if it’s repetitive. My mind needs a reset. An overhaul. I’m going to ask that you pray for me daily. It’s a big step for me to ask for help.
I’ve felt like a burden for as long as I can remember, even when I know it’s a lie. It’s so easy when we have uneasy days how we believe the lies we tell ourselves. Letting truth and faith guide me when my mind spirals is the objective.
I’ve known the problem is between my ears, now if I’m to fulfill my dreams, certain actions are taking place. Head to toe. Being broken to be built.
Take me wants
And make
Your will
To follow
And joyfully
Happy New Year
Hold me
Don’t release me
Even when
I fight
Your arms
Are the
I belong