Sunday, January 12, 2025


 Grateful for cooler weather 

Grateful for a warm shower 

Grateful for life

I’m grateful for those around me who are helping reframe my mindset. God is working in me. I don’t serve humans. I serve God. And He uses me as a conduit to love people. Let yourself be used. Surrender is taking on new meaning each day.  I’m blessed to be a blessing. 

Love yourself and one another


  1. Your words are so pretty! Have a nice day and a happy mew year

  2. Being grateful is the right mindset to have each and every day.

  3. We talked in church this morning about how important it is to be grateful for all the blessings we are given, not just the big ones. We need to have a grateful mindset and take note of our day to day blessings - like cooler weather, a shower, our every breath!

  4. Grateful for snow! Finally we have snow!

  5. Love yourself and love one another, so difficult to do in these times, but I think back at all the kindness people have shown to me in the past two or three months and am humbled. Alana

  6. Gratitude is so important to remember at all time. This morning I was particularly grateful for our warm church building. The wind was blowing over 35 mph from the North. You could hear it whistling around the building while we were in Sunday School and Church service.

  7. Jesus said to "love one another as I have loved you and gave Myself for you..." That is sacrificial love. Not easy for us humans to do, but we try. Praying for you to be at peace and comforted in knowing how much your heavenly Father loves you.

  8. I'm reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. It's reminding me to be grateful in ALL things. Not easy for me. But it's so important! Thank you for this reminder.

  9. Good to be grateful, we all need to be :-D

  10. Gratitude is so important. Love this!
