Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 Grateful for breath

Grateful for comfort food

Grateful for hope

Savoring the small joys I encounter. Yesterday in Wal-Mart I got stopped by an old teacher. One who hasn’t taught me in over 20 years at least. What she remembered about me was my smile. And to get that compliment made me smile. It reminded me that a smile can really change the world. 

The small things really are the things that make the most 

Love yourself ano one another


  1. Há nas pequenas coisas e gestos, grandes motivos pra sorrir! beijos, chica

  2. Smiles get us through the day. Thanks for yours.

  3. This is a good reminder to tell people good things you remember about them!

  4. Isn't that the best? I'd love to be remembered for that.

  5. Such a nice encounter♥
    Whenever skies are gray don't worry or fret
    A smile will bring us sunshine and you'll never get wet

  6. Smiles are the best! It's so cool that your teacher remembered you. :)

  7. How sweet to be remembered for your smile. Blessings!

  8. What a wonderful compliment by your teacher! It's amazing what a sincere compliment can do for a person.

  9. Beautiful and wise words. Happiness does indeed reside in the little things in life. A sincere smile can bring so much joy and peace.

  10. A smile - a lovely thing to remember you by. :)

  11. Thank you to remind me to love myself and others....
    Have a great day

  12. Taking time here to catch up a bit. I'll leave a comment here and keep on reading. I always enjoy your writing and how nice to be remembered for your smile.

  13. What a lovely encounter that must've been! You have a beautiful smile, a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul my friend! It's nice when someone else reminds you though <3

  14. It's wonderful that your teacher remembered you after all these years. You must have a sweet smile. : ) Don't you wish we could all see our blog friends' smiles sometime? And hear their voices? Some of my friends have said they have strong southern accents. A few people through the years have told me that I had an accent. I guess a California western accent? haha.
