Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 goals

 What are some 2025 goals?


  1. Some goals of mine are to finish the book I've been writing, become a certified health coach, and spend more quality time with my husband!

  2. Find a job I love that can support me :)

    Thanks for all the love, R! Happy New Year!


  3. Chiudere alcune delle sfide che ho aperto sul mio blog in questi anni.

  4. Grow in my walk with the Lord through Bible study, prayer and scripture memorization. Also I really want to exercise more even if its just a short walk around the neighborhood. My A1C was elevated so I got to do something about that.

  5. Two of mine are to try and be more mindful in the moment and to trust in God more. Kindness and gratitude are also on my list.

  6. Viver cada dia, deixando a vida rolar e entaõ ver o que faço e acontece,rs beijos, chica

  7. I don't set goals and resolutions; I just work each day to make myself and my life a little bit better than the last (give or take).

  8. I'd like to be more connected in many aspects of my life in my new town.

  9. I arrive a little bit late here. I wish you a Happy New Year, with health and joy.
    I have a long list for to do in 2025, but not only.
    Even it's difficult to decide, I want to learn to meditate, because I think this could be a gate for health. I tried, but I feel I am far of this goal.

  10. Hope you had a good new year my dear! Mine is the same as previous years - to try to avoid avoidable illnesses. There are so many running around in the air right now.

  11. Happy New Year Regina :) I don't really make resolutions, just so long as everyone is okay. I have known people in my life who are going through hard times. I just want them to have a good 2025.

  12. Happy new year to you and yours!

  13. Best wishes for 2025, Greetings, God Bless.

  14. Don't set goals or make any resolutions any more...just do my best every day.

  15. My goal is to seek God in everything I do. My word for the year is seek. Wish me luck! Happy New Year Regine!

  16. pray for our health will be better in 2025......
    Happy New Year
