Friday, January 24, 2025


 When you tell the world you’re grateful for peace, get ready to be tested. Had a tough time yesterday, but with everything, iron is sharpened. So today, my mission is simple.

Some recent life lessons 

Your worth isn’t tied to your wealth or accomplishments. If the world loves you too much, you may lose yourself in it. 

Jesus is working overtime with me. Being broken down is affirmation in a way that can’t be fully explained. 

Wanting people to love me or understand me is no longer fruitful. 

Sometimes the only person who can give you joy is self. 

If it’s popular, I no longer want it. 

This girl wants truth, not a preconceived notion

My challenge

Give a smile. A compliment to an unsuspecting recipient. 

Love yourself and one another


  1. "Sometimes the only person who can give you joy is self." - This is so true. I'm so sorry you've been having a tough time lately. Sending you hugs and love.

  2. I've also learned that "sometimes the only person who can give you joy is self". Sending you a virtual hug during this tough time for those you know, and for you. Alana

  3. This is so beautiful! Love is the most important of all! I always strive to smile at others, even when they don’t smile back, and I am definitely a compliment, giver, I know it makes people just swell inside when someone gives them a compliment! Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. Good lessons and challenges. I always try to smile at people too.

  5. This was a difficult feeling to put into words, yet you did it well.

  6. I pray you have a better day today. I talk to everyone I meet. It embarrasses my kids, especially when they were younger, but sometimes it's just what that person needs. My husband says I'm the only person I know who can go through a checkstand and know the life story of the person checking out my groceries!
    God is so good. He will keep you in His arms, even on those days you feel like giving in.

  7. I love that reminder that your worth isn't tied to wealth or to your accomplishments!

  8. I read in another friend's blog that today is actually National Compliment Day. You've nailed it, Regine!

  9. O amor move montanhas, ame - se a si mesmo e aos outros!
    Isto é o melhor do mundo!
    Beijinhos sorridentes!
    💋💗💋Megy Maia

  10. Such wise realizations. I hope things are better for you now. You're the best Regine! Sending you much <3

  11. Such powerful reflections! It’s amazing how life’s toughest moments can become the greatest teachers. I love how you’re embracing authenticity and self-love. We could all use a reminder to step away from the noise and focus on what truly matters. Wishing you peace, growth, and lots of smiles on your journey. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. I always try to smile at people, and spread a little kindness.

    All the best Jan

  13. Very true words, my friends. Some of the most difficult lives, but faithful lives belonged to the Saints. I love your third verse so much.

    Have a restful weekend.


  14. Hello my friend, I hope you're well, I'm back to working on the blog and visiting my blogger friends!
    I love reading your words they are always inspiring, I also give back a smile!
