Tuesday, January 14, 2025


 Grateful for unexpected joys

Grateful for life

Grateful for a cute dog

Finding the good in everyday life is proving to be a blessing. Not everyday is going to be joyful, but I can be. Last night going through the TV channels we came upon my nephew and his fishing videos on YouTube. It was pure joy to see his enthusiasm. His passion. And I want to share some of that with you. 

I hope I can follow my nephew’s example. I want you to feel my joy and enthusiasm. 

His channel is MK Outdoors. I’m so proud of him. 

Love yourself and one another. 


  1. Don't you love being an aunt? I know I do. :D

  2. It is so much fun to see our nephew's ( and in my case one niece's) kids doing their things in videos. None of them have a Youtube channel but we do get to see the videos their parents post.

  3. Love yourself is the most important thing. If you don't love yourself you can't love others.

    Have a blessed day and week, Regine. ♥

  4. I'm not sure if I found him but I think so, he was mushroom hunting in the one I found.
    You're a good aunt!

  5. I will look for him. !! God bless you each moment of the day, and He does, I feel. My life is filled with blessings as are many folks lives, that we haven't realized yet.

  6. It's not always easy to express our joy and enthusiasm, is it? Have a great week, Regine!

  7. Sometimes it might seem hard to find the joy, but if you look hard enough you can find it, even in the small moments. Happy Tuesday!

  8. I try to identify something that brings me joy every day. I know there has to be at least one thing. :-)

  9. Watching someone do something they love really is exciting. I'm so glad you are finding some joy!

  10. I've been writing a grateful/thankful sentence each day of the month and that is really helping me focus on the good in everyday life. It really is a blessing!

  11. Awwww, lots to be grateful for. Thanks for sharing.
