Monday, January 13, 2025


 Grateful for a new week

A fire in the fireplace 

Unexplained joy

Starting a little something new

Keeping a prayer journal

Seeing how He answers

Prayer requests?  Praises?


  1. I would be grateful for a fire in the fireplace...

  2. A fire sounds wonderful!
    I've had a prayer journal before and should start one again. It's such a good way to keep track of prayer requests and answers to prayers.
    If you could pray for pain relief for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis and am having a flare which is pretty painful. Thanks Regine!

  3. I'm enjoying a fire in our fireplace right now too.
    Have a wonderful day my friend.

  4. A fire in the fireplace is wonderful isn't it. I am so thankful for what the Lord has done for me. Happy New Year. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  5. We have an electric fireplace. It does look nice and feel warm, too. Too warm for it today. Blessings.

  6. Having a prayer journal is a great idea. I jot things down on a paper but really should have a journal.

  7. Praying for those in need.

    All the best Jan

  8. A fire in the fireplace is always a win for me. I love the smell and the warmth when sitting next to it. :)

  9. This sounds lovely, Regine. Prayers for California, Ukraine and Gaza, please, and my cousin Bonnie's medical test results.

  10. Yes to a prayer journal! Prayers for California and that I seek God as much as possible this new year. Thank you Regine!

  11. I've been keeping a prayer journal for a couple years, but I really need to do better about keeping it updated and going back through it to give praise for the ones that were answered!

  12. No fireplace in our house but we do have heat. I have a journal that I write scriptures in and things in my life. Pray that that my lungs quit wheezing as much. God bless you 💖

  13. Happy Wednesday my dear friend! Sounds like you're staying warm in this crazy winter. I'm so grateful for having heat, it's 8 degrees here in southern Ohio. A prayer journal sounds fantastic! My momma keeps ones of those.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! :)

    Make Life Marvelous

  14. Praying is essential, prayer journals are priceless and fires in a fireplace to drive out the chill on a winter's day are contentment. Blessings!
