Thursday, February 27, 2025


 Some days

You go

To find

A story

And you

End up

Being the story

It felt like spring yesterday, and I was determined to enjoy it. Eat outside check. Window shop at my favorite boutiques. Check. The prong on my cane to melt, and not even know it. A driver rolled down their window, and yelled, “your stick”. A friend I was with had to clue me in that it wasn’t the stick, but the prong that melted. My hands were black. I rushed into the next boutique who showed me to the bathroom, and put the prong in a bag. We had a great laugh at that one. It was then off to CVS, where I bought the last prong they had. Luckily it worked. Thirteen dollars for a prong. I was never more grateful for those long receipts with coupons. I had some to lessen the cost. All this to say, I saw the goodness of humanity yesterday. 

I can complain and worry, but it does me no good. So I just laughed, and then got treated to an ice cream cone. I don’t know if my heart has been changed, or if God using to me to minister to me. I’m just grateful. Life isn’t always great. I won’t sugarcoat it, but I need to find the good. Anxiety and depression are things that plague me, so I have to find the good, for my own sake. 

If I find it in an ice cream cone or the sun warming me up, I will. Acceptance comes in any form. And I will grab that bull by the horns. 

Love yourself and one another


  1. I'm glad you were able to get a replacement and that you weren't injured when that happened!

  2. A great experience and a powerful lesson, too. I'm so glad you could get it fixed.
