Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Making a difference

I have been uneasy about whether to post this post, but 1.  When you give your word, you honor it, and two, when you ask God to serve others or be a blessing to another you do it.  I know how blessed I am, and I honor my word.  A friend of mine, from my alma mater, Lander University is pushing past physical pain to be a blessing to humanity.
My friend, Cameron Dorn, is attempting to do 10,000 Burpees in 24 hours, which would be a world record.  As a result of this attempt and hopeful completion, 2 organizations of significance to Cameron will benefit.

The reason I finally have chosen to post is that I realized that God has provided me an opportunity through Cameron to help others, and it read a post by Elizabeth, a fellow blogger,.

"It is not the man who stumbles". Theodore Roosevelt
To whom much is given much is required.

If you want to learn more about the journey:


God Bless,

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