Monday, March 11, 2019

Look and Listen

I watched Interview with God. I usually watch these things by myself. I came away with some truths. I call on God even if I don't see it. My actions say differently. The answers I seek can come from God alone. It's not an absence of faith, 'but I stopped looking and stopped listening.'  I stopped. The lightbulb went off. I'm so focused on faith. I have faith. Am I using it?  Am I looking?  Am I listening?


  1. Wonderful questions for every one of us to ask ourselves...Annster's Domain

  2. Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop. Have a fabulous day. ♥

  3. The flesh is always telling us to stop listening.

  4. Those are good questions. Sometimes we have faith, but we forget to pay attention. It is so hard to find balance between our spiritual life and our every day life.

  5. I guess we forget to get quiet to listen. Sometimes we shout & God whispers.

  6. Faith alone is not the objective. Life with Jesus - here and in eternity is the objective.

    There is a poet's verse in my country "the one who is looking for you has already found you."

  7. Really good place to be - critically thinking! I hope you're having a nice week, Regine!

  8. Regine, la Fe nunca se tiene que perder al contrario, se debe cultivar y desarrollar.
    Que tengas una feliz semana.
    Cordiales saludos

  9. i like this a lot Regine. I recently came across a quote i love

    "Sometimes you need stand only where you are to be blessed."

    The moment to moment experience of this (whenever we take that moment - the truth becomes so apparent. Everywhere we gaze upon without judgement - love reveals itself.

  10. These are profound thoughts, Regine. I know they have not only touched you but make me think as well.
