And joy
This new year
May your day
Find you
Abounding in hope
Surrounded in love
With an abundant peace
That permeates
The body
When you think
You’ve learned it all
Is when your soul
The well gushes
And you
Let tears
Of happiness
Flood your heart
With a gratitude
So deep
It shatters
All you
You knew
Good morning. I hope your Christmas was beautiful and full of love. Looking forward with hope and joy.
You hear me
You see me
You know
What I need
So lead me
Sovereign Lord
Merry Christmas my friends. May today be one of joy and immeasurable peace. Love you all my friends. Enjoy the day.
Merry Christmas Eve. It’s cold here, but my heart warm. Lord, lead my heart when it frays. Protect me. Love me when I can’t do the same. Thank you for the love you show me everyday through Your children. You all give me the best Christmas present everyday. Your love and support sustains me and keeps these fingers moving. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
How was your weekend my friends. Sending my love out to you all. The holidays can be rough, but I’m here. Love you friends.
Finally getting into the Christmas spirit
It feels wonderful
I’m jingling all
The way home everyday
Happy Monday
Tell me your joys today?
What I do matters
These are not just
But a window
To my soul
God sheds a
New layer
With each new day
I just didn’t know
I was so layered
And complicated
Pray that
I may
Have the strength
To accept my weakness
To relinquish my need
To know
What I can’t
And fully have faith
To trust and obey
It’s me Regine
God what’s my instructions
For today
In the hot shower
It came to me
That water
Is enough to be
Grateful for
The simple
Is so prophetic
It’s a new day
I’m here
I don’t know how
It will work out
I have to trust you
I don’t understand
That’s not
What you ask
Here we go again