Friday, October 27, 2023


 Share your joy today

I can’t change the sadness in the world, but I can share my joy. Yesterday, I took a long walk. I enjoyed the wind in face, the sweat lining my top. I enjoyed the warm weather. I enjoyed just marveling at little miracles. It was a miracle that I now find solace in movement. Every day is nature is a good day. 

Tell me your joy?


  1. We're all a bit sad here from the shootings in Maine since my husband and I have both lived in the state and it's a little too close to home. But I did take a nice walk yesterday and enjoy the beautiful autumn sceery.

  2. One of my greatest joys is spending time in nature. God speaks to us from His marvelous creation.

  3. I am grateful to be alive and in sufficient good health to be able to get around and do the tasks that need to be done. I am also glad for the wisdom God has bestowed upon me and for the gifts he has bestowed onto my life.

    You may check out the post that I just made.
    Thank you

  4. I'm glad you found peace on your walk. There is always peace here in the mountains, as the tall pine trees and birds surround my area. It's a peaceful setting. My joy are those little grandchildren that make my heart glad.

    Have a pleasant weekend, Regine.


  5. My wife and I went for a short walk and it was fantastic with the sun shining brightly.

  6. I turn to nature too - and she never disappoints.

  7. The joy of seeing a dusting of snow on the mountains against blue sky and sunshine. Have a good weekend, Regine. :D

  8. Finding peace and joy in this tumultuous world is so important. Nature always delivers. x K

  9. the joy of warm breezes, sunshine, time with friends, a chance to visit blogging friends late this evening. true gifts for sure.

  10. For me joy is life, being thankful for each moment, each breath. Joy is the moment of every second of every day.

    Hug and Blessings

  11. That is wonderful joy. My joy -- Rick's coming home tomorrow! And the sun is out.

  12. My joy was being able to attend my church service this morning - I was not tired after a busy day yesterday - God is good. Also I am loving being able to tend to my spring flowering plants, and seeing my (potted) lettuces growing
