Monday, December 23, 2024



Thank you

For teaching me

Being quiet

Is more powerful

Than speaking

Cede the reigns


This year

The lesson

Has been

Don’t doubt

My will

It gets done

And yours


To a miserable calamity

For all I want

In the past 

Few days

My body’s ability

To properly function 

Is the gift 

That manages

My physical health

My mental health 

Soars and shines

Without one

The other falters

I will preface this. I am not cured. I’m managed. A privilege not to be taken lightly. Thank you Lord. My desire for the privilege of living is to treasure the temple that is my body. 


  1. Great words, God Bless, Stay well _ ()_

  2. I wish you all a very blessed Christmas filled with joy, hope, good health and whatever you may desire.
    God bless you all.
