Monday, April 25, 2022


As I sit here, I was reminded of someone’s words yesterday. My gift is not for my benefit. It’s for others. It’s for His glory. These past few weeks have been anything but stellar. I’m realizing I still need help, whether I want it or not. This has been one of the hardest things to accept. When the world preaches independence, I let myself fall into the trap. I’m not normal. Never will be. This hurts my pride like no other, but in order to grow…. The pride got kicked to the curb in embarrassing fashion, and help is a necessity. Whether my writing still is the gift God intended, I can only hope. If you will humble me with your prayer, I’d be grateful. 


  1. This is not on you, the world needs to help others more. It is something that got lost along the way. We are so busy taking care of ourselves, we seem to have forgotten to take care of others. It has become harsh at times. But we must never forget the elderly, the children, and the sick. Independence is overrated, and you must ask when you need help. If help isn't given, then it's not on you. The Lord sees everything and all, and He know our hearts. Saying a prayer for you right now, dear friend. That is the best help of all.


    1. Your gift is the greatest of all, I believe sometimes we have to "pay" for our gifts, one way or another, each of us have lessons to learn and to give. You give freely, maybe you are being taught how to receive? Accept it my friend and be brave and strong.

  2. Normal? The only 'normal' people are those we don't know very well.
    And we all need help.

  3. Beautiful words, darling! I admire your strength!


  4. Love your gift of writing - you always have the perfect beautiful words. We definitely all need help, and I never understand why I resist it so much.

  5. Is anyone normal and what is normal? We all need help in some shape or form and we need to be able to accept as well as give-take care.
    Carol x

  6. Prayers for your healing. I have no definition of normal so welcome to my world :)

  7. sending you prayers and strength.

  8. I hope you're feeling better soon, there's nothing wrong with asking for help, ever.

  9. Yes, your writing is a gift and I am glad that you are willing to be open and honest with us and share from your heart. I pray that God will provide that which you need each day, and give you the grace to receive His love and kindness through whatever means He sends it. It's hard, I can imagine, when we want so much to be independent. But there is also a special peace in being able to accept the help God does send our way, knowing there is no way we can repay. We have to leave this up to God. He knows the heart. (((hugs))) and blessings to you today.

  10. I agree that your writing is a gift God gave you that blesses others, and I think at times it speaks truth not only to us, but to you too.
    Praying for you right now.

  11. Asking for help is hard. Take it from me -- Pride is a rugged mistress. Your writing -- definitely a gift.

  12. Nunca deixar-se abater.
    Levantar e seguir com força e o apoio de amigos, que nesta vida são presentes de Deus.
    Você pode, você consegue.
    Siga nas suas escritas e feliz semana.

  13. Well put and I believe your writing definitely is a gift from God - you are eloquent and have a magical ability to send visuals along with what you talk about. Anyway, i see them and always enjoy your writing.

  14. Lubię pomagać innym. Poziom mojej empatii jest nienaturalnie duży ☺️

  15. I understand what you are saying, especially as I get older I find myself needing help where I didn't need it before and it does feel sad more than anything, praying God will help you to adjust to this time and that you can find the strength you are given in other areas
