Friday, February 28, 2025




The world

With goodness

And give me

Courage and strength 

To live

Your truth

Out loud

Grateful for



And unexpected kindness

Love yourself and one another

Thursday, February 27, 2025


 Some days

You go

To find

A story

And you

End up

Being the story

It felt like spring yesterday, and I was determined to enjoy it. Eat outside check. Window shop at my favorite boutiques. Check. The prong on my cane to melt, and not even know it. A driver rolled down their window, and yelled, “your stick”. A friend I was with had to clue me in that it wasn’t the stick, but the prong that melted. My hands were black. I rushed into the next boutique who showed me to the bathroom, and put the prong in a bag. We had a great laugh at that one. It was then off to CVS, where I bought the last prong they had. Luckily it worked. Thirteen dollars for a prong. I was never more grateful for those long receipts with coupons. I had some to lessen the cost. All this to say, I saw the goodness of humanity yesterday. 

I can complain and worry, but it does me no good. So I just laughed, and then got treated to an ice cream cone. I don’t know if my heart has been changed, or if God using to me to minister to me. I’m just grateful. Life isn’t always great. I won’t sugarcoat it, but I need to find the good. Anxiety and depression are things that plague me, so I have to find the good, for my own sake. 

If I find it in an ice cream cone or the sun warming me up, I will. Acceptance comes in any form. And I will grab that bull by the horns. 

Love yourself and one another

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

rooted and planted

 Letting the sun

Bathe my face

The grass

Ground my feet

For today

No fear

Or worry

Will overtake

Me now

My joy


No walls

For it’s rooted

And planted

In the appearance

Of that mustard


Tuesday, February 25, 2025





My soul


In that 

My heart’s


Got reset

Just by

Being one

With the outdoors

Monday, February 24, 2025

spring’s presence

 In this sunshine

I let my body

Warm from

The inside out

As I await

Sweet red tomatoes

Juicy cantaloupes 

And getting down

In ruddy clay

Plucking weeds

Like dandelions

Letting me


In Spring’s Presence

Letting me

Revel in

The arrival

Of new seasons

With new smiles

And baited anticipation

Flowers bloom

Bees await nectar

And beauty

In His creation

Send hope


Through my bones

Like an aphrodisiac 

Linen dresses

Adorn my body

As a lone cross


In reverence

To the

Holy One

Saturday, February 22, 2025



With ferocity 


Blades frenetically 


As the stick

Meets puck

As a 

Blistering wrister

Ice flies

As watching 

The greats

Is an international 

Array of cultural differences 

Friday, February 21, 2025


 Ready to play some more piano

Ready to read another book

Ready to root for Juan Soto. Do I need Mets gear?

New beauty products that remind me of the Caribbean

Cottage cheese and strawberries

These things are making me happy. Your turn. 

Love yourself and one another

Thursday, February 20, 2025

My hands, His voice

 My hand might have five fingers, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve really only used three. I watched a movie earlier about a famous pianist, and hours later I started to use all five fingers going from C to C. It was enlightening for me. 

One, I’ve never felt accomplished just by using all my fingers. Getting my fingers to do what my brain was asking of them was monumental. You can teach an old dog new tricks.  You just have to be teachable. My fingers are stretched and achy, but I’m understanding why God gave me five fingers. 

Two, I stretched the big muscles daily, but I often forget the little ones. Let me say that the left side of my body is the weak one, so if I’m not conscious, my right side does everything. My left side is sore, because it never gets used. 

Three, I’m in awe. I never thought my fingers could do what it just did. No. I’m in amazement. Utter shock. Will I ever be Chopin. I doubt it, but what my body allowed me to just now leaves me in tears. And to do it on my a piano purchased by my great-grandfather is even more special. 

I’m having to eat a lot of humble pie these days. What my younger self could only dream, my present self is really doing. 


When your child

Is willing

You show

Your mastery

And omnipotence


 Slushy snow

Icy rain

The weather

Shows every side

As the sun


It’s starring role

The dogs sleeps

Snores and growls

Until it finds

It’s perfect spot

For peaceful repose

The fire roars

It’s sound

The perfect accompaniment 

To this overcast 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

praising in prayer

 Today I’m grateful for the biggest blessing to wake up. I’m grateful for all of you. 

In the morning

Remind me

Of the greatest gift

To awaken

To the glory

Of a new day

To make 

A new memory

Worthy of

Total praise

If you could pray for Andrea of Living on Cloud Nine today. 

Pray for a dear friend in a tough season

Pray that I may persevere 

Thank you. 

Love yourself and one another

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 What am I grateful for today

That I may not like certain things, but anger doesn’t serve me. Pray through the pain. I’m realizing You are the only one who can change people. 

Quiet confidence

Quiet strength

The loudest voice

Isn’t mine

It’s yours

As my silence

Isn’t complicity

But trust

Love me

As only

You can

As I await

The fulfillment 

Of Your promises

To me

Monday, February 17, 2025


 Sending you

A big hug

As we conquer

The day

The Lord

Has made

I will rejoice 

And be glad

In it


Dear children

You have been

Awaken to meet

Another day

Sunday, February 16, 2025


 Listening to a sermon today that hit me right in the heart. I’ve always wondered if the regret of the past would haunt me, but after this sermon, I’m finally at a place where I can see the past for what it was. God knew when He made me that I would always bloom late. Later than even I thought possible. It’s taken to my early forties to fully understand that surrender isn’t bad. Blooming late isn’t bad. Acceptance that comes later isn’t bad, as long as it comes. 

Trust me when I say God knows what I want. I’m not shy about voicing it. The fact is God knows what I need. I have to trust that He knows what I don’t. I don’t like waiting, but it is my season. It’s one of the most painful seasons, but one of the most productive. I can no longer do what I’ve done, and expect different results. Starting fresh is scary, but almost refreshing. I’ve been unburdened. This is the best gift. 

I will succeed. I will fail. I will understand that the journey is reward alone. Equip me Lord. Strengthen me Lord. I don’t know what comes next. That is the beauty of faith. To keep going in the dark awaiting the light. 

Love yourself and one another. 

Pray without ceasing, Regine

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 What is bringing you joy?

A good book 

Good food

My dog

A cozy throw

Friday, February 14, 2025


 Happy Valentine’s Day my friends

May you 

Know love

And feel

It in

Your core

That no 

Matter what

Love is available

For all


A big hug

To you 

Dear ones

Who never

Cease to 

Build up

A soul



Love yourself and one another

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 Things bringing me joy

A cozy blanket and a fire in my fireplace

Watching hockey and baseball starting back


Chats with friends


Your turn

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 As I’m making cornbread to go with chili, I’ve listening to Italian music with a scape of the Italian Riviera. In the present, I’m in the Deep South, in the precipice of my soul I’ve returned to the place that sparks my dreams. Whether or when I return doesn’t matter, my mind was allowed to wander with wonder. It’s something I’ve not done in a long time. My reality didn’t change, but my perception and perspective did. That my dear friends is a gift. One I’ve not appreciated fully or enough. 

I haven’t listed my gratitude lately, and my mental health can tell. Apart from life and Jesus for which I’m eternally grateful, I need to add one thing in particular. I’m grateful for my imagination to come up with a story to take me where I want to go until my reality complies. Thank you Lord. What I’ve not liked about myself is saving me right now. 

Please never stop dreaming. I used to think it was pointless. I was going to la la land. I didn’t live in reality. Let me tell you, I’m fully aware of reality. More than I want to admit. If my mind decides to take a ten minute detour, I’m going to enjoy the ride. 

Love yourself and one another


 Let me

Give thanks

For breath

And Your love

Sustain a soul



I can’t fix

What ails me

Love yourself and one another

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 The cold rain


As I sit

By a warm

Soothing fire

Listening to

Some worship music

As I ponder

All my 

Many blessings

Monday, February 10, 2025


 It’s getting cooler

And again 

With jarring temperatures

Comes clarity

And calm

As I realize

Each season

Has a purpose

The snow

The chilly rains

Provide a lesson

For how 

To rise

In spite

Of adversity

The goosebumps

Are an incentive 

To exercise 


Warming them

Up in 

A sweaty sheen

That releases

Those endorphins

That I crave

As I reflect

On the 


At hand


 Cool breezes

Are back again

Calming me

As tapping

Of keys 



Because blessings

Find us


No expectation

Is found

Sunday, February 9, 2025

pleasure and treasure

 Taking this

Lord’s day

To dance

To my drum

And revel

In the goodness

 Of simple pleasures

That are the

True treasures

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 Remind me

Which Master

I serve 

Is it money



Is it 


When we



You rejoice 

Or will 

Your face


Love me

Even as

I need 

Constant reminders 

Of what 


And it

Isn’t my 


Friday, February 7, 2025


 Run your race

Not others

You only answer

To me

And your 

Mental toil

Isn’t meant

For worry

Of what

Will be

Trust me

Not what

Worldly influence 


Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Let me trust

Not fear


I can’t see


Rise up

And find

The determination

To sing


And find

The reason

To smile

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Thank you Lord

For what

You do

Even if

I’m not 

Paying attention 

I went for a scheduled doctor’s appointment yesterday. Treatment is working. No pain. A little soreness or stiffness. It felt odd to have no complaints yesterday. I haven’t been paying attention, but you’ve got it now. A blessing I don’t want to take for granted. 

Love yourself and one another

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 When God speaks

The attack comes

The battle ensues

For my very 


Hold fast

My child

My strength 

Will become


If I could have your prayers, I’d be most grateful 

Love yourself and one another

Monday, February 3, 2025



Let me remember

All the victories

Not the defeats

I’m human still

I just know

I need you

More than ever

Let me not

Grow bitter

At my kindness

Being misunderstood 

I reminded

I can’t control others

Just myself

As hard as 

It is

Pray for me

Having empathy

Means sometimes

You say 

The wrong things

Then beg

For forgiveness 

Sunday, February 2, 2025



You know

It all

I need 

Your power

Your peace

Love me

Even when

I can’t