Wednesday, March 23, 2016


i was just scrolling through Facebook, and a friend posted a quote that hit me.
"Occasionally, weep deeply over the life you hoped would be. Grieve the Losses. Then wash your face. Trust God. And embrace the life you have.
John Piper

I don't do any of this often. If I weep, it's in private.  I don't grieve.  Or if I do, I wouldn't know what it looks like. Washing my face, not even, I just use water. Trust God:  I honestly don't do this well. I question Him more than anything.  And embracing the life you have. I am trying to do that because the life I have is great, but more importantly it's the one I have. I will continue to dream, believe, and cling to the Cross.

I believe I don't weep or grieve because what good comes from it.   Does it change what's happened? I don't want to grieve because my grief may embitter me, and I have no time for that.  Washing my face, Trusting God, and embracing the life I have is difficult even if does get easier.

God Bless,


  1. Over time as you peel the layers off of grief, loss what if's and why not's and the big why will be able to embrace your life. An indeed it is difficult but easier with God guiding.

  2. i believe grief is dealt with differently with each person experiencing hardship. just as we are different people, there is a difference in grief. one thing i'm learning at this time in my life, is that i don't want to waste the lesson He has for me during my own grief period. i don't want to waste it .. so i'm leaning in and gleaning how He speaks to my heart.

  3. i believe grief is dealt with differently with each person experiencing hardship. just as we are different people, there is a difference in grief. one thing i'm learning at this time in my life, is that i don't want to waste the lesson He has for me during my own grief period. i don't want to waste it .. so i'm leaning in and gleaning how He speaks to my heart.

  4. Amazing quote. I need a good cry.


  5. I think one might consider that things could be oh, so worse! I am always in awe of the blessings I have, and always wonder at what lesson I am to be learning when things aren't what I hoped for. This keeps me in balance (most of the time.)
