Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The truth hurts

The truth hurts why?  Because I'd rather be in denial. It's hard to admit that what we need, is most of the time what we want. Cerebral Palsy has taught me that I am like the tortoise. I hate to be slowed down. I want to appear as if nothing's wrong, but that's a lie. I can't live in a lie. I'm learning I don't have to cultivate perfect. I'm ok as I am. I'm not the mistake I thought God made. God can use me.


  1. Yes, it is not always easy to bear the truth ...
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  2. You're right about not having to cultivate perfect. People live lifetimes without learning that - never finding relief from trying to live up to this ridiculous ideal.
    Your decision to write about CP has made me consider things I hadn't thought about before. Your blog has touched me and will no doubt make a difference to many people, Regine.

  3. Oh my dear, God never makes mistakes. And you are His lovely child.


  4. Great advice on accepting oneself.

  5. Life periodically forces me to slow down and in some ways I relish and value that time to restore. But it is challenging when you must slow on a regular basis. And you ARE OK -- just as you are.

  6. My left knee pops out of joint regularly and because of that I have slowed down substantially (It does not get as wonky when I walk slow)
    I miss my former pace, but I am fine going slowly. It is my new normal and it's OK

  7. "I am that I am"

  8. We can't live in a lie but truth hurts, I agree.

  9. Siempre hay que afrontar la verdad y vivir con ella es la mejor opción.
    Saludos y mucho ánimo
