Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 Thankful today for all your love and support. It never ceases. Thank you. 

How may I pray for you today, love you or support you?

So many in this world need prayers, so I’m sending mine out. When I focus on others, and get out of self I’m much more grateful and happy. Hugs my friends.  

Love yourself and each other



  1. Let's pray for all the good folks in Florida who are bracing for this storm!

  2. We all should pray for each other daily.

    Have a blessed day, Regine. ♥

  3. I don't have any requests for myself but lets pray for the salvation of our unbelieving followers of our blogs.

  4. Just say a little prayer for your blog friend, Sheri, and thank you. : )

  5. Please pray for the children of the 'S' family who have just lost their parents in a car accident - three of the four children are also injured...
    Thank you and blessings

  6. Thank you for sending out your prayers.

  7. Pray for all the turbulent weather out there and other disasters many are facing. Pray for those going back to school. Pray for peace.

  8. Kindness toward others really matters. Thank you!

  9. Hi, Regine! Thanks for visiting my blog. I've read back through several of your posts, and I gather that you are going through a difficult time right now. I hope that things improve! I will include you in my prayers. There are so many people struggling right now. It's heartbreaking. I find myself doing "walking" prayers as I go through the day, alternating between gratitude for my life and for other people. Right now, I'm really thinking of the people in the path of Idalia and Maui. Please be kind to yourself.

  10. Wonderful post, sending prayers your way.

  11. I'm with Ellie, please pray for all the turbulent weather out there and other disasters many are facing.

    All the best Jan
