Monday, August 14, 2023


 In 11 years and over 4000 posts later, I decided to go back at them all, and it was an enlightening journey. 

You all have witnessed my years of depression. You all have witnessed the depths of my anger. You all have witnessed my desire to hide in frivolity. It’s when in the past few years that I decided to be truthful that I grew. I decided to go back to my first love. Sharing myself in poetry has shed the shackles. So thank you for being here. 


You showed me

What fruits

Can be had

When our anger

Is quelled

When answering

The call 

You have

For our lives


  1. Beautiful, Regine. A wonderful journey to enlightenment.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  2. Beautiful. It is great to follow your journey.

  3. Wonderful to look back and see just how much we have grown.

  4. I always enjoy your poetry. I think it speaks to many of us!

  5. Echoing Hena Tayeb. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  6. well spoken, and so true! Anger is a waste of precious time.

  7. I love your poetry. It's real and from the heart. Thanks for being you.

  8. I so love your poems! Thanks for sharing them. :D

  9. Lovely words on this Monday morning. Your poetic words flows like silk.

    A happy week to you, friend.


  10. We're all on a journey my friend. And looking back is always an important part of any journey. This post makes me smile.

  11. We all have to learn to accept ourselves and the journey isn't always easy but you're getting there. Hugs, Angela xXx

  12. Regine, Your words on my blog today meant so much to me. And these words today on your blog mean so much as well. To get to hear you share the Lord's faithfulness to you through these hard seasons encourages me and so many others. Your posts are "stones" of remembrance. Being truthful is such an expression of true trust. Love you, Kathy

  13. Thank you Regine for sharing your heart.

  14. Your poetry is beautiful and heartfelt, R.

    Hugs and blessings

  15. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Poetry is a truly unique form of self-expression because of it's potential to be both creative and honest. It touches us in places where we can all relate.

  16. Thank you for being here too. All the best to your mind and your beautiful creativity🌸💗🧁🐾

  17. What a gift to look back and see where you have come from. These are beautiful words!
