Monday, January 22, 2024



You work in the most random of moments. Then I think they’re not random to you. Trying to figure you out is like solving the most complex puzzle. You’re a riddle I can’t figure. All I know is that I know what I thought was waiting, is learning. Learning that my will, will not get me to my goals faster. I’m so focused on achieving the dream, that I’m not enjoying the process. With you, EVERYTHING is a process. I want results quick. You work like weight loss. Slowly. You tell me to ‘be still and know.’  I don’t know which part grates me more:  stillness or knowing. I will get back to you. 

Until the next musing. 



  1. Yes - I like things to work quickly too. Patience is so hard sometimes!

  2. I really loved your musing here today, Regine. Blessings!

  3. There is a reason they call patience a virtue. So few of us (me included) have it.

  4. Be still and know (Psalm 46:10) is on a cross in my work area. I hear it calling daily. I have learned to rest in it's truth. You are doing better than you know.

    Hugs and Blessings

  5. Patience is a virtue and sometimes I have no patience.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Regine. ♥

  6. Definitely not random, but we can see the plan only later. :)

  7. Oh yes, the being still is difficult - I am learning that very slowly also, as I am used to being active...

  8. Lord is always with us. There is always something to remember that is good in your life and what God has helped you through!

  9. Love it. Be Still and Know. Not my will, but Thy will which is perfect safety, peace, all knowing goodness.
