Saturday, January 13, 2024

The key


Believing it

Until I receive it

I didn’t realize

When I come here

I have my own

Personal cheerleaders

Lord, let me

Be thankful

Eleven years ago

I felt unlovable

In search of something

Someone to root me on

Help me find joy

Worth and validation 

Each day 

You say hi

You give me

Your heart

You serve me

In the best way

You are Christ’s 

Hands and feet

Whether you believe

Or not

Thank you

The world

Knows not

My name

But you do

And it is 


Eleven years

Over one million

Who knew

My mission field

Would simply

Involve faithfulness

To tap the key


  1. It's wonderful how God uses us to bless you, and uses you to bless us!

  2. I'm the one who feels blessed by your words with every tap of your key! So thank you. 💗

  3. God has a purpose for all of us. Blessings!

  4. Wow this is like a genuine prayer. Good job!

    Allie of

  5. Lovely words you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  6. Nosso Deus é sempre fiel e presente! Beijo!

  7. Beautiful! Your written word tells of the beauty within. This beauty is deeper than skin deep. It can touch others without physical touch. Thank you.

    Hugs and Blessings

  8. wonderful writing. Your purpose is obvious here - inspiring others. I need a lot of time to go back thorugh all your writings I've missed. Was just out of blog world for awhile but have always enjoyed what you write.

  9. Ah, and at times it is SO hard to put the thoughts out there, isn't it?! One thing I have learned and know is that God is always faithful!
