Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 I’ve been around my niece and nephews for a bit which means this space took a rest, but what didn’t is what these humans teach me. Whether it’s to sing show tunes at the top of my lungs, or get in the floor and retrieve toys so many times, it is a humbling experience. I’m exhausted, but forever changed by little hands and sweet voices. I do lose my mind and yell sometimes. Then I’m reminded of how many times God gives me what I need to give them:  grace. It all starts there. A few days in the mountains gave me something I forgot I had:  preserverance.  


  1. They do exhaust. But oh, it's so worth it!

  2. Exhausting as it no doubt was, it sounds wonderful.

  3. Exhausting and wonderful and a good way to practice grace.

  4. Always fun to be around the little ones and then to have a chance to get a nap in when one can!


  5. When I am around kids (especially the ones I love) I am filled with joy for their boundless delight for the world.

  6. I love being around little children. They are a joy to be around.

  7. Yes, the little ones will tire us out, but when we spend time with them, we come back with a changed heart.....a child's heart, and I don't think there is anything more special than spending time with a child. So glad you had that time with your niece and nephews. You do have to set some rules though, like you did. Francesca would have me telling her the same story a dozen times if I didn't say, Ok last time, haha.

  8. kids can certainly teach you a lot, especially if you pay attention, but like you said they can tire you out!

  9. Kids are definitely amazing and they do teach us so many lessons.

  10. OH! I haven't been around little children for years! Even though we have had a few births in the family in the last 4 years. They live too far away and are great-grandnieces and nephews, so not so close in family to warrant a special visit. Never mind, I get joy in hearing about them and all the piccies I get sent from their grandmother's, my nieces. You are very lucky to be able to have contact with them, so they will know you and love you and remember you in their lives, with stories of what you did and the love you gave them. You really are Blessed.

  11. I think when I was teaching I learnt as much from the children as they did from me but different things obviously x

  12. They are good but exhausting agreed! My daughter is 3.5 and at the really moody stage and not listening. Getting much more grey hairs these days haha!

  13. So wonderful you were able to get away and also to enjoy your family, especially the little ones. I bet they enjoyed being with you too. But yes, now is the time to rest after all the excitement. Welcome back home!

  14. Children can really put things in perspective. It reminds me how Jesus tells us to have a mind like a child.

