Thursday, July 28, 2022

Trust and obey

 Lord, you see my tears, my anxiety. You say lay it down. I will guard you, love you and make it right. Stop trying. Just believe. Trust me. I’m not going anywhere. Release. Breathe and know I’m where you are. 


  1. Just what I needed to hear tonight, dear friend. Thank you for this post. Have a lovely evening.


  2. Beautiful and needed today. Thank you!

  3. I feel the same some times and althought I "hear" God's voice telling me to let it go and trust in Him, that He will take care of the things that trouble me, I'm always inclined to give Him a help. Just in case...
    Praying for you, for me and for all of us that think that God needs our help to solve our problems.
    He doesn't and He WILL help us and give us His blessings, when we tell Him with all our heart: Father, I trust You and I can't do this by myself. Please, help me not to try to help You and give me your blessings.
    Have a blessed day, friend.

  4. Hi, again!
    I was just reading another blog that I usually follow and I thought of you when I read this:
    "Life is too short to worry about the things we have no control over. We can make where we are a comfortable place to be. We do it slowly and if you think that oh I cannot afford to change or it is too much work or it will take too long. Just remember that the same amount of time is going to pass either way so if we start right now next month we will either be right were we are now or we will be one month in the change that we are making."
    I don't know if it makes sense to you. It does tome! :)
    Here is the link to that blog, if you want to see it:

  5. Big Hugs to you, I know how hard those anxious and depressed times can be, they can be so strong at times they push God out of our thoughts, praying you keep those words in your head and push out all those bad thoughts
