Friday, March 1, 2024

Thank you

 Thank you all for your prayers and love. Right now I’m in a cycle of exercise followed by sleep to alleviate the discomfort. I may not reply to all. I’m grateful for all of you. 

Tell me something good that happened this week?

Favorite purchase?

Any good books?

Thankful for you



  1. Take care of yourself, we can read back posts!
    Good thing is college baseball is in full swing. Fun to watch. New glasses for husband, Gene.

  2. And we are so thankful for you! Happy to be getting my permanent crowns today.

  3. Woke up every day this week.

    Hell's Corner by David Baldacci

    Blessed by you

    Hugs and Blessings

  4. *will zoom with family tomorrow.
    *wooden bird in purple flowers my son bought me.
    *not reading any books at the time.

    Thankful for you too! : )

  5. I have the day off...that's a good thing! And continued prayers your way. Hang in there. :D

  6. I hope this cycle will help you. Just focus on taking care of yourself Regine. We'll be here when you're ready to come back. I recently got some heavier weights as I've advanced a bit in my strength training practice. Currently reading The Courage to be Disliked and it is such an eye opener.

  7. I pray this will be helpful and encouraging to you. And please don't feel the need to respond to everyone and everything. None of us are able to keep up with that pace. One good thing that happened to already read about it on my blog...I let go of my grandma's 123 year old dresser and replaced it with a newer one that works so much better for me because the drawers aren't so big and heavy and difficult to move. I feel so happy that I finally made this decision. It was hard to do, but it was time. Have a blessed rest of your week and weekend.

  8. Don't worry about responding to us - take care of you!
    My good thing this week was my daughter first high risk ob appt, and everything looked good!

  9. Still praying for you...Hope you are doing better...
    This was NOT one of my favorite weeks...The Doctor did not give me good news.
    but I have enjoyed reading a new book by one of my favorite authors. Robin Lee Hatcher (Cross my Heart)
    And I found some time for crafting.

  10. Take good care of yourself.

    All the best Jan

  11. I wish you to get well really fast :).
    Something good... well, Spring started. My b-day is comming :)

  12. Praying for you to get well soon lovely!

    Something good that happened to me this week...hmmm...I redecorated my Kindle for the new month, so I'm excited about that! (:

  13. Glad you're doing what's needed to take care of yourself. I went shopping this week. I walked around the store with an armload of things and ended up not buying any of it. I knew the shirt for my granddaughter was a little too big; the jeans didn't fit me very well... I saved $150! :)
