Monday, September 30, 2024

3 am

 I haven’t wanted to post. I never thought I’d cry at the loss of power and water. Yesterday was not pretty. Got up at 3:30 am in search of water and fuel. It was found. You’d thought I’d won the lottery. 

Never thought I would use a tree as a restroom. Collect rainwater for a quick bath. Thank God to use sparkling water to brush teeth. Watermelon and mint. Not recommended. 

A few hours from me is Western North Carolina. A place where my soul find rest is destroyed. 

Nature can be brutal yet beautiful at the same time. 

I’m doing well. I just feel very primitive and isolated right now, even when I know I’m not alone. Very blessed still. 

It’s hard to comment on cell phone. I’m sorry. 

Pray. Or do as you feel like you need to do. 


  1. Replies
    1. Do you need something? Can we send you anything?

    2. I got your comment message. Is the mail working? I looked online at a place gathering donations, but I am not sure how to get things to you personally.

  2. Oh, my friend. Prayers. Prayers. Prayers.

  3. Western NC has always been a vacation destination for us in the past. To see the horrendous damage absolutely breaks our hearts. Praying for you and all those affected, Regine!

  4. Prayers for all those that are affected. I'm glad you're okay.

    Have a blessed day and week, Regine. ♥

  5. I have a few friends living in NC, TN. Praying for you as well 🙏 .

  6. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but it’s good to hear you’re staying strong. Stay safe!

  7. Hang in there dear Regine! May your strength and faith get you through this.
